

商品名 年代 著者
Logistics in Manufacturing. Homewood. Blusiness One.1992.312p. 1992 Gopal, C.and Cahill
The Audit of Current Purchasing Power Statements.Statement on Auditing No.19.1975.3p. 1975 ICAEW
Acciounting Management Control and Business Organisation.Avebury.1993.Lined. 1993 Seal,W.B.
Profit Improvement through Cost Reduction.8p.nd. 1976 COOPER & LYBRAND
Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements.Attest Services Related to MAS Engagements.1987.4p. 1987 AICPA
How a Company is formed and Financed.Teachers'Notes.8p. 1975 The Stock Exchange Financial Information Services
Dictionnaire de la comptabilit?.. 1980. In-8. Broch?. Bon ?tat, Couv. d?fra?chie, Dos pli?, Int?rieur frais. 891 pages. 1980
Graduate School Prospectus. 1997 LSE.
International Auditing Guidelines Nos 1-20. The full texts of all International Auditing Guidelines extant at 1 September 1985. 1985 The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
The Death of Competition. Leadership and Strategy in the age of Business Ecosystgems.Harper.1996.297p. 1996 Moore, James F.
Japan Company Handbook.1st Sect.1988.Tokyo. 1988 Toyo Keizai
Interest Tables.1904. 1904 PERLEY MORSE & CO.
Statement on Auditing Standards.分売 Nos.7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,22,27,28,34-38,42,47,48,49,50,51-61(1975-1988) 各 1975-1988 AICPA
Statement on Quality Control Standards.No.1(1979) 1979 AICPA
Case Study on Audit of a Self-Administered Union-Industry Welfare Fund.1959.23p. 1959 AICPA
OPINIONS OF THE ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES BOARD. Nos.2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15(1962-1969) 各冊分売 1962-1969 AICPA
Opinions of the Institute's Counsel and Special Counsel on Repeal of Rule 3.03 COMPETITIVE BIDDING.1967. 1967 AICPA
Factory 2000+.Management Accounting's Changing Role.ByvHowell,and Soucy.1988. 1988 NAA
NAA,Statements on Management Accounting:Statement of Purpose and Operation.1986.8p. 1986 NAA
NAA,Statements on Management Accounting Practices and Techniques:Measureing Entity Perfomance.1986.No.4D.14p. 1986 NAA
NAA,Statements on Management Accounting: Education for Careers in Management Accounting.1987.No.1E.9p. 1987 NAA
NAA,Statements on Management Accounting: Objectives:Definition of Mangement Accounting.1981.No.1A.5p. 1981 NAA
NAA,Statements on Management Accounting: Objectives:Objectives of Mangement Accounting.1982.No.1B.9p. 1982 NAA
NAA,Statements on Management Accounting: Objectives:The Common Body of Knowledge for Mangement Accountants.1986.No.1D.13p. 1986 NAA
NAA,Statements on Management Accounting: Objectives:Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants.1983.1C.3p. 1983 NAA
NAA,Statements on Management Accounting:Practices and Techniques:Uses of the Cost of Capital.1987.No.4H.8p.  1987 NAA
NAA,Statements on Management Accounting:Practices and Techniques:Cost of Capital.1984.No.4A.15p. 1984 NAA
NAA,Statements on Management Accounting: Practices and Techniques:Definition and Measurement of Direct Labor Cost. 1985.No.4C.6p. 1985 NAA
NAA,Statements on Management Accounting: Practices and Techniques:Definition and Measurement of Direct Material Cost.1985.No.4E.8p. 1985 NAA
NAA,Statements on Management Accounting: Practices and Techniques:Accounting for Indirect Production Costs.No.4G.1987.16p. 1987 NAA
NAA,Statements on Management Accounting: Practices and Techniques:Allocation of Service and Administrative Costs.No.4B.1985.14p. 1985 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE. No.1:Concepts for Contract Costing.1971.7p. 1971 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE.No.2:Guidelinges for Interrim Financial Reporting.1972.2p. 1972 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE.No.3:Financial Reporting by Diversified Companies.1972.3p. 1972 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE. No.4:Fixed Asset Accounting:The Capitalization of Costs.1972.24p. 1972 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE.No.5Criteria for Make-or-Buy Decision.1973.35p. 1973 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE. appendix.vol)Management Accounting Practices Committee Statement of Objectives.1973.5p. 1973 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE. No.6:Guidelines for Inventory Measurement.1973.4p. 1973 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE. No.7:Fixed Asset Accounting:The Allocationof Costs.1974.19p. 1974 NAA
How to hire Staff Assistants in Public Accounting Firms.1968.45p. 1968 AICPA,Ad Hoc Committee on Staff Recruting
Statement on Standard.For formal group and formal self-study programs.1976.10p. 1976 AICPA
Audit Committees.Responding to new Challenges.1988.46p. 1988 DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS
Making the Best Use of your company's Accountant.1981.12p. 1981 ICAEW
Training Guide.1974.c20p. 1974 ICAEW
Machine Accounting Systems for the Small Concern.1950.31p. 1950 Nightingirl,J.D.,and Elliott
Income Taxes.Background Information and Basis for Conclusions.1999.20p. 1999 CICA
General Principles on Auditing.1961.Reproduct ed.Scribed. 1961 ICAEW
Unternehmungs- organisation.Rowohlt,1973.266s. 1973 Grochla,E.
Datenverarbeitung in der Unternehmung. Bd.I(Grandlagen).1974.270s. 1974 Grochla,E.,u.Meller
Grundmodelle Wirtschaftlicher Entscheidungen.Einf hrungin moderne Entscheidungstheorien.Koeln,1969.278s. 1969 Menges,G.
Management im Zeitalter des Elektronenrechners.1965.54s. 1965 Reuss,G.E.
Betriebswirtschaftslehre als Sozialwissenschaft.Mainz.1979.158s. 1979 Schanz,G.
Der kaufmaennische Betrieb und seine Arbeit.Bd.2.1949.167s. 1949 Schoetz,W.
Financial Acounting Standards for Business Enterprises. As Amended August 30,1974, 1974 JICPA
Financial Statement Provisions in Term-Loan Agreement.1968.16p. 1968 NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BANKERS AND CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS
Accounting for Pensions by Employers.A Background Paper.1980.12p. 1980 FASB
Management Accounting:Topical Index to Management Accounting Section 1,Volume XLVIII and NAA Research Publications September 1966―August 1967 1967 NAA
Historical Costs or Present Values.from  ACCOUNTING RESEARCH 1952.20p. 1952 Little,L.T.
The Black Diamond's Primer of CostAccounting.A System Adapted for the use of Retail Coal Merchants. c1915.24p. 1915 BLACK DIAMOND(JOURNAL)
Social Accounting.London,Allen,1974.226p.Scribed. 1989 Gambling,Trevor
Audits of Government Contracts.'66. 1966 U.S.General Accounting office
General Accounting Ofice Publications.1973.54p. 1973 U.S.General Accounting office
Bibliography of Internal Auditing.Supplement 1(1956-1959).36p. 1956-1959 The Institute of Internal Auditors
Case Studies in Auditing.Bungay,1978.268p. 1978 Santocke,J.
Auditing Standards and Procedures. Statements on Auditing Procedure No.33.Washington,1965.45p. 1965 U.S.Generl Accounting Office
Companies and Securities (Interpretation and Miscellaneous Provisions)Bill-1980.14p. 1980 Australia,Parliament,House of Representatives
Public Accountants Registration Act,1945. 1945 Australia,New South Wales
A Concept of Corporate Plannning.1970. 158p. 1970 Ackoff, Russell.L.
Management and the Computer Control Systems,N.Y.,McGraw,1969,297p.少線引き 1969 Hodge,B.
KIRITA'S BUSINESS LETTER WRITING,Sanseido,taisyou 9,36p. 大9 Kirita, Tarou
Advisory Consiliation and Arbitration Service:Code of Practice 1:Disciplinary practice and procedures in employment.1977.5p. 1977 HMSO
Advisory Consiliation and Arbitration Service:Code of Practice 2:Disclosure of information to trade unions for collective bargaining purposes.1977.5p. 1977 HMSO
ICAEW,Auditing Practices Committee:Some audit implications of SSAP 16 Current cost accounting .1980.24p. 1980 ICAEW
ICAEW,Auditing Practices Committee.Preliminary View:The Audit Implications of ED 18(Current Cost Acounting).1977.48p. 1977 ICAEW
Statement 1-4(English,German Z&French)1978.c50p.Xerox copy. 1978 UEC Auditing Statements Board(ASB)
Neue Ueberlegungen zur Gliederung von Kontenrahmen.Koeln,1968.31s. 1968 Endres,W.
Rechnen mit kosten in der Industrie.Berlin, 1975.292s. 1975 Geissler,G.,Reinecke
Handelsbilanzen.1968.374s.線引 1968 Heinen,Edmund
Bilanzanalyse und Bilanzkritik.1982.83s. 1982 Laegel,Rudolf
Accounting for Investment.Boston,Bentley, 1964.48p. 1964 Anderson,R.D.,and Weafer
Corporation Finance.Vol.Inew York,Dent.1928.358p. 1928 Mead,E.S.
Investment Appraisal.A Guide to Profit Planning.London.1982.168p. 1982 Mott,G.
Tax Breaks for Export income under DISC.New York,1972.127p. 1972 CCH
Bilanzanalyse,nach der neuen Rechnungslegung.Herne,1988.240s. 1988 Graefer,Horst
Bilanzen Iesen und verstehen.1972.121s. 1972 Zimmermann,Werner(Hrsg.)
(コピーハードカバー製本版)Ueber Einige Aeltere Bearbeitungen Des Buchhaltungs-Tractates Von Luca Pacioli: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Buchhaltung 1896 Kheil, Carl Peter
The Scope and Methodology of Finance. 1966 Weston,J.Fr.
Limited Assurance Engagements Survey Research.Tokyo.1990.112p. 1990 Koga,Chitoshi,and Robertson
Behavioral Concepts in Mangement.1968.144p.(シミ入) 1968 Hampton,D.R.
Organization and Management. A Systems Approach.Univ.of Wasingoton,Graduate School of Business.1970.654p. 1970 Kast, F.E., and Rosenzweig
Creative Management.New York,AMA,1971.259p. 1971 Kobayashi,Sigeru
Trade,Transport and Finance.London,Macmillan,1923.444p. 1923 Mairet,G.
The Impact of Computers on Management.MIT.1967. 1967 Myers,C.A.(ed)
Perspectives on Resource Management.London,1971.183p. 1971 O'Riordan,T.O.
Introduction to Labor Economics.N.Y.,McGraw,1950.554p. 1950 Phelps,O.W.
Training Employees and Managers. For Production and Teamwork.New York,Ronald,1948.278p. 1948 Planty,E.G.,McCord,and Efferson
Shareholder Rebellion.New York.Irwin.1995.207p. 1995 Schwartz,G.P.
Bureau of Business Research:Simulaltion Training for Small Business Executive Development.1963.108p. 1963 Univ.of Texas
New trends in office management.London.1967.186p. 1967 White,M.
An Outline of Elementary Accounting. N.Y.,Barnes.1949.Revised ed.196p. 1949 Bauer,R.D.M.,and Darby,P.H.
Elementary Accounting. N.Y.,Barnes.1973.4th ed.255p. 1973 Bauer,R.D.M.,and Darby,P.H.
Human Information Processing in Accounting. N.Y.,Quorum.1989.298p. 1989 Belkaoui,A.
ACCOUNTING TRENDS VIII.Innovating Accounting and Information Systems course Outlines,from 34 University.61p.1974. 1974 Burns,T.J.(ed)
ACCOUNTING TRENDS 23.Innovative Accounting and Information Systems Course Outline.from 30 Unversity.60p.1989. 1989 Burns,T.J.(ed)
Accounting,New Perspectives in Business Economics. Boston,Heath,1967.152p. 1967 Geller,Louis.
Accounting Information and Business Decisions. A Simulation(Working Paper)New York,1964.c100p. 1964 Gray,J.,Willingham,Johnston,and Brown
Fundamentals of Accounting.New York,Ronald,1943. 1943 Himmelblau,David
First Year in Accoiunting.Vol.2/Principles.New York,Ronald,1952. 1952 Himmelblau,David
The Learning Process and the Market:The Japanese Capital Goods Sector in the Early Twentieth Century. (Suntory-Toyota International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines & London School of Economics and Political Science) 1994.50p. 1994 Nakaoka,T.
Ethics and The Certified Practising Accountant:Case Studies.Australian CPA.1993.40p. 1993 Northcott,P.H.
Advances in Applied Microeconomics.A Research Annual. Volume1. Greenwich,Jal.1981.172p. 1981 Smith,V.K.
Introduction to Modern Accounting.Englewood.1974,634p. 1974 Thacker,R.J.
The Joint Venture Process in International Business.India and Pakistan.Cambridge,MIT Pres,1970.227p. 1970 Thomlinson,J.W.
Some Questions in Graduate Accounting Theory.19p no date(c1960) N.D.(c1960) Univ.of Oregon
International Business Policy.New York,Holt,1964.252p. 1964 Robinson,R.D.
Accounting for Europe-success by 2000 AD? London,Touche Ross.1989.46p. 1989 Simmonds,A.,and Azieres,O. with Touche Ross Europe
Accounting Concepts and Standards underlying Corporate Financial Statements. 1948.8p. 1948 AAA
New Developments in Accounting.59th Annual Meeting Papers.1946. 1946 AIA
Financial Information Needed in Tody's Mobilization Economy. 64th Annual Meeting Papers.1951.48p. 1951 AIA
Public Relations and Legislative Control of the Accounting Prfession. 64th Annual Meeting Papers.1951.40p. 1951 AIA
Tax Problems,being met in Today's Mobilization Economy. 64th Annual Meeting Papers.1951.47p. 1951 AIA
The Accountant's Place in Tax Practice. 67th Annual Meeting.1954.38p. 1954 AIA
Audits of Brokers or Dealers in Securities.By Committee on Auditing Procedrure. 1956.71p. 1956 AIA
A Case Study on the Extent of Audit Samples.1955.128p. (Summary audit programs prepared independently by 8 different CPAs to indicate extent of audit sampling each considered necessary in an actual case) 1955 AIA
Accounting for Income Taxes.By D.J.Bevis,and Perry.1969.70p. 1969 AICPA
Case Studies in the Observation of Inventory.1959.62p. 1959 AICPA
(Audit)Guide for the Use of Real Estate Appraisal Information.By Real EstateCommittee.1987.53p. 1987 AICPA
Audits of Service-Center Produced Records.By the Task Force.1987.77p. 1987 AICPA
Statement of Position.75-4(1975)Presentation and Disclosure of Financial Forecasts.1975.9p. 1975 AICPA
AICPA,:Minority Recruitment and Equal Opportunity Committee: The First Decade.1980.18p. 1980 AICPA
Voluntary Quality Control Review Program For CPA Firms.1978. 1978 AICPA
Report of Progress.The Institute Acts on Recommendations for Improvements in the Profession.1978.43p. 1978 AICPA
Comments and Recommendations on Proposals for Tax Reduction and Reform.1963.c50p. 1963 AICPA
Lawyers and Certified Public Accountants:A Study of Interprofessional Relations.1976.21p. 1976 AICPA
Cost Accounting for Factory Automation.By Bennett,Hendricks,Key,and Rudnicki.1987.70p. 1987 NAA
Corporate Codes of Conduct.By S.Landekich1989.130p. 1989 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE. No.10:Management Uses of the Statement of Changes in Financial Position.1978.38p. 1978 NAA
NAA:External Reporting for Segments of a Business.1968.106p. 1968 NAA
Accounting Shortcuts and Workpaper Techniques. c1960.64p. 1960 Cohen,A.,and Behren
Shortend C.P.A.Problems.Englewood,1957.303P. 1957 Sax,Hilary H.
Accounting and Reporting for Employee Benefit Plans. 1976.12p. 1976 ARTHUR YOUNG
Financial Accounting and Reporting in the Extractive Industries.1977.58p. 1977 ARTHUR YOUNG
Financial Reporting for Segments of a Business Enter-prise.1974.14p. 1974 ARTHUR YOUNG
A General Guide to Foreign Direct Investment Controls.1968.31p. 1968 LIBRAND,ROSS BROS.& MONTGOMERY
Accounting:The Language of Business,Thomas Horton and Daughters,N.J.,1974,57p. 1974 Davidson,S.,J.S.Schindler,C.P.Stickney,and R.L.Weil
The counter-inflation policy.Pay-the second year.1st Aug.1976 to 31 July 1977.Practical guidance.1976.12p. 1976 CONFEDERATION OF BRITISH INDUSTRY
Civil Service College Occasional Papers 11=Current issues in cost-benefit analysis.By Walsh,and Williams.1969.22p. 1969 HMSO
Civil Service College Occasional Papers 14=The interpretation of published accounts.By Bird.1974.26p. 1974 HMSO
Civil Service College Occasional Papers 18=Forecasting methods.By Newbold.By Newbold.1973.34p. 1973 HMSO
ICAEW Accounting Standards Committee:Setting Accounting Standards.Report and Recommendations.1981.56p. 1981 ICAEW
Instructing on Staff Training Courses.Training Guide Supplement.1976.31p. 1976 ICAEW
Royal Charter and Bye-Laws.1976.46p. 1976 ICAEW
Statutory audit requirements in The Netherlands.1976.79p. 1976 ICAEW
Statutory audit requirements in Denmark.1974.41p. 1974 ICAEW
Statutory audit requirements in Federal Republic of Germany.1973.66p. 1973 ICAEW
Price Stability and Full Employment.62p. 1975 Rayman,R.A.
Added Value for Profit.By Knell.1986.31p. 1986 Australian Accounting Research foundation
The Accounting and Auditing Requirements of the _Companies Acts.1971-73.1974.123p. 1974 Australian Society of Accountants:
HMSO PUBLICATION CATALOGUE Trade,Industry,Energy,Prices and Consumer Protection.1976.81p. 1976
Annual Report and Accounts.1974-1975.60p. 1974-1975 Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia(The)
The constitutional arrangements of an accountant's practice.ICAEW,1973.46p. 1973 Taylor,C.C.
FIANZLEXIKON.Muenchen,Franz,1971.374s. 1971 Beyer
Produktionswirtschaft.Stuttgart,Fischer,1982.259s. 1982 Bloech,J.,u.Luecke.
Fallsammlung Buchfuehrung/Bilanzen Berich- tigungstechnik.Herne,1989.294s. 1989 Boedtner/Bilke/Heining
Bilanzen. 4 Aufl. Gabler.1981. 1981 Busse von Colbe,W.
Praxis der Invenstitions- und Wirtschaftlichkeits- rechnung.Berlin,Herne,1988.311s. 1988 Daeumler,K-S.
Grundlagen der Investitions- und Wirtschaftlichkeits- rechnung.Berling,Herne,1989.308s. 1989 Daeumler,K-S.
Bilanzeirung,Gewinnausschettung und Substanzerhaltung.Goettingen.1976.145s. 1976 Emmerich,G.
Bilanzierung nach Handelsrecht und Steuerrecht.'78.249s. 1978 Federmann,R
Buch- und Bilanzpruefung.Ein Leitfaden fuer die Revisionstechnik in der Schweiz.Zuerich,c1960.143s. 1960 Flury,H.
Der Jahresabschluss von Aktengesellschaften in Europa und USA.1966.244s. 1966 Fritsch,E.,u.etc(Hrsg.)
Capital Budgeting with Financial Plans.Gabler.1993. 1993 Grob, H.L.
Vlokswirtschaftliche Bilanzen.1953.33s. 1953 GROSSE SOWJET ENZYKLOPAEDIE5
Staatswirtschaftliche Planungsinstrumente. 2 Aufl.Mohr.1975. 1975 Hansmeyer,J-H.
Betriebswirtgschaftslehreheute.Muenchen,1966.16s. 1966 Heinen,Edmund
Die neue Bilanz der GmbH,ihre Pruefung und Publizitaet.Koeln,schmidt,1985.262s. 1985 Heuser,P.J.
Studienbogen.Einfuehrung in das betrebswirtschaftliche Denken.1954.109s. 1954 Hug,R.
Praktische Kostenrechung.Wien,1954.150s. 1954 Illetschko,L.L.
Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung.3Aufl.Gabler.1984. 1982 Jost, Helmuth
Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung.5Aufl.Gabler.1988. 1988 Jost, Helmuth
Betriebliches Rechnungswesen.Wiesbaden.1976. 1976 Kilger,W.
Heuristische Entscheidungsmodelle.Neue Techniken des Programmierens und Entscheidens fuer das Management.Wiesbaden,1971. 1971 Klein,H.K.
Grandsatzfragen der betrieblichen Mitbestimmung.'54. 1954 Koenigs,Folkmar
Vorkalkulation bei langfristiger Einzelfertigung. Lang.1986. 1986 Kraus, Rudolf
Macht in der Unternehmung.Peschel.1974.210s. 1974 Krueger,W.
Technisch-wirtschaftliche Kennziffern.Berlin.1953.62s. 1953 Lange,H.
Grundzuege der Bilanzkunde.Teil I. 1948.288s. 1948 Le Coutre,W.
Die Organisation des Rechnungswesens nach einem Arbeitsplan. Berlin,Fortschritt,1951.126s. 1951 Losinski,A.I.
Kostenerstattungsansprueche in steuer- und abgaben-rechtlichenVorverfahren.Koeln,Schmidt.1986.178s. 1986 Luedicke,J.
Bilanzen zus Zukunftswerten.1973.153s. 1973 Luecke,W.
Rechnungswesen.1978.386s. 1978 Menarad,Siegfried
Betriebsgoesse und Unterneh- mngs- Konzentration.Berlin,Humblot,1959.262s. 1959 Nuernberger Hochschulwoche Abhandlungen
Finanz- und Rechnungswesen.Organisation der Fachabteilungen Band1.168s. 1968 Oehler,Otto
Bilanzrichtlinien-Gesetz.Muenchen,1987. 1987 PEAT MARWICK MITCHELL & CO
Abschreibungen Geringwertige Wirtschaftsgueter.2 Aufl.1980.108s. 1980 Pohlmann,H.-R.
Teilzahlungsfinanzierung in USA.Muenchen,1956.45s. 1956 RKW
Bilanzlehre-kurzgefasst.Wiesbaden,1950.71s. 1950 Sellien,R.
Der wiederbeschaffungspreistdes Umsatztages in Kalku- lation und Volkswirtschaft.Berlin,1923.186s.Xerox ed. 1923 Schmidt, F.
Fixkosten und Kalkulation im Konkurrenzkampf.1967.100s. 1967 Schneider,G.
KONRAD MELLEROWICZ.1965.91s. 1965 Schwarz,Horst
Neuzeitliches Rechnungswesen.Wiesbaden, Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag.253s. Sellien,R.(Hrsg.)
Kostenrechnung in der Industrie.n.d. c1950.96s. 1950 Sewering,Dr.
Die Abschreibung vom Anlagevermoegen.Prugg.1981.103s. 1981 Sykora,G.
Die guenstigste Leistungsmenge bei veraenderlichen Marktverhaeltnissen.Bern,1949.102s. 1949 Trechsel,J.F.W.
Erfolgskonsolidierung in Konzernabschluessen.Berlin, 1971.109s. 1971 Weitkamp,J.
Beitraege zur betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung 42. Entscheidungsorientierte Informaitonsbewertung.Westdeutscher, 1975.207s. 1975 Wenzel,F.
Zur Messung der Arbeitsproduktivitaet im Betrieb. Berlin.1956.62s. 1956 Werner,H.
Financial Information needed in Today's Mobilization Economy. 1951.48p. 1951 AIA
AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION,FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERIES. 79:E.H.Hay,-Control of Salary Expence.1945.14p. 88:Reporting to Empler.1945. 1945 AMA
An Electronic Cash and Credit System.New York,1966.142p. 1966 AMA
Investor Relations.The Company and its Owners.N.Y.1963.222p. 1963 AMA
Introduction to Accounting.Financial Statements.New York,1964.48p. 1964 Boyland,J.
Business Investemnt Decisions under Inflation.ICAEW.1976. 1976 Carsberg, B.,and Hope
Investment Planning with Tax-Exempt Bonds.1975.18p. 1975 COOPERS & LYBRAND
Municipal Financial Reporting and Disc- losure Quality.Reading,Wesley,1982.134p. 1982 Copeland,R.M.,and Ingram
Accounting and the Analysis of Financial Data.N.Y.,1958.449p.少線。 1958 Easton,E.E.,and Newton
Introduction to Business Finance.New York.1953.International Student ed. 1953 Howard, B.B., Upton
Financial Management.London.Harrap,1970.204p. 1970 Jackson,A.S.,and Townsend
Planning and Control for Profit.New York,Harper,1970. 1970 Lewis,R.F.
Sincerity in Financial Reporting.1978.23p. 1978 Louwers,P.C.
The Purposeful Pursuit of Profits and Growth in Business.New York,McGraw-Hill,1965.108p. 1965 Mortimer,C.G.
International Classification of Financial Reporting.London.1984.144p. 1984 Nobes,Ch.
Analytical Techniques for Financial Management.New York.Wiley.1985. 1985 Osteryang,J.S.,McCarty
Understanding company financial Statements.2nd ed.176p. 1981 Parker,R.H.
Financial Statements.Problems From Current Prtactice.Englewood.Prentice.1969.158p. 1969 Philips,G.E.,and Copeland
ANNUAL REPORT.1962,1963,1964,1970.分売各 1962-1970 SEC
Portfolio Management.Theoretical and Empirical Studies of Portfolio Decision-Makaing.New York.Holt.1971.340p. 1971 Smith, Keith V.
Companies Laws and Financial Reporting.West Germany,France,and the UK.Seattle.1971.69p. 1971 Tyra,A.I.
Financial Managerial Reporting.by CPA.62p. 1963 Univ.of Florida
Modern Corporations.Englewood,Prentice-1965.120p. 1965 Votaw,D.
Cases in Profit Planning and Control.Englewood.Prentice.1970.144p. 1970 Welsh,G.A
Forecasting for Profit.A Technique for Business Management.New York,Wiley,1950.173p. 1950 Wright,W.
Measuring the Impact of Currency Fluctuations.COOPERS& LYBRAND 1978.31p. 1978 Henrey,R.
Fiscal Theory of Adam Smith.Hannan Univ.,1976.158p. 1976 Nishikawa,Kiyoharu
Die Grundlagen der Verkehrswirtscharft.(1933).263s.(Title page lacking) 1933 Pirath,C.
Sharpening Controls.Corporate Approaches to Complying with the foreign Corrupt Practices Act.1978.22p. 1978 COOPERS & LYBRAND
Accoutning Flows:Income,Funds,and Cash.New York,1965.167p.(photocopy ed) 1965 Jaedicke,R.K.,R.T.Sprouse
Essentials of Managerial Finance.Illinois.1984.c840p. 1984 Pringle,J.J.,and Harris
AMA:manうfacture series 224.Practical Programs for Cost Control. a Selection on Management of the Engineering Function.1957.54p. 1957 AMA
Costing.London,1954.148p. 1954 Cousins,D.
An Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting.London,Heinemann.1973.261p. 1973 Houlton,M.L.
Brief Guide to the Exposure Draft on Current Cost Accounting.1976.20p. 1976 ICAEW,the Inflation Accounting Steering Group's
Syllabus and General Information.London.1967.35p 1967 THE INSTITUTE OF COST AND WORKS ACCOUNTANTS
Variance Accounting.London,Macmillan.1976.135p. 1976 Laidler,E.
Cost Accounting.Analysis and Control.Macmillan.1984. 1984 Layne,W.A.
Activity-based Management.New Approaches to Measuring Perfomance and Managing Costs.Woodhead.1992.199p. 1992 Morrow,M.(ed.)
Cost-Benefit Analysis.Macmillan.1983.112p. 1983 Pearce, D.W.
Investment Decisions and Capital Costs.Englewood,Foundation of Finance Series,1965.152p. 1965 Porterfield,J.T.S.
The Myth of the Compleat Accountant.(Federal Accountant Vol.21/no.3,1972). 1972 Buckley,J.W.
Managerial Accounting for Federal ADP Services. (The Federal Accountant.Vol.21/no.4) 1972 Criner,J.C.
Economic Factors in the Growth of Corporation Giving.New York,NBER,1970.116p. 1970 Nelson,R.L.
Accounting Analysis of the Efficiency of Enterprises. Yugoslavia,Ljubljana,International Center for Public Enterprises in Developing Countries. 1984.92p. 1984 Turk,I.
Cost Accounting.Practice Set No.1.88p. By Neuner.1942. 1942 U.S.Armed Forces Inst.
Audit Guide and Standard for Revenue Sharing and Antirecession Fiscal Assistance Recipi-ents.1977.c50p. 1977 U.S.Dept.of Treasury,Office of Revenue Sharing
A study of Problems. Associated with the Audit of Stockbrokers' Accounts.1974.102p. 1974 Australia,Accounting Research Foundation
How to Audit a Bank.Boston,Bankers Publishing,1966.442p. 1966 Corns,M.C.
Guide to Accounting Controls. 1985-1986 Supplement.Boston,1985.136p. 1985 Haller,E.J.,Brown,and Clements
Audits of Brokers and Dealers in Securities.New York,AICPA Committee on Stockbrokerage Accounting and Auditing.1971.218p. 1971 Hanley,T.R.
Audits of Building Societies.Oct.1962.26p. 1962 ICAEW
Research Committee Report 7:Internal Audit and Control of Facilities.1959.64p. 1959 The Institute of Internal Auditors
Operations Auditing.New York,AMA,1972.317p. 1972 Lindberg,R.A.,and Cohn
Peach BlossomCologne Company.Audit Case.1988.166p. 1988 Paul, J.W.
International Auditing Environment.Tokyo. Zeimu-Keiri-Kyokai.2001. 2001 Shobara, Ichirou
Securities Industry Act,1970.89p. 1970 Australia,New South Wales
The Journal of Taxation Digest.1983.(Digest of  THE JOURNAL OF TAXATION  TAXATION FOR ACCOUNTANTS  TAXAION FOR LAWYERS.  Boston,Warren.1983.c300p. 1983 Comeford,B.E.
Capital Gains Tax.Great Britain.M&E.1981.208p. 1981 Palma,V.
Reporting on Foreign Corporations and Trust.1963. 1963 PRICE WATERHOUSE
The Rape of the Taxpayer.N.Y.,Vintage Books A Division of Random House,1974,483p. 1974 Stern,P.M.
Employees' Tax and the Employers' Tax.Federal Insurance Contributions Act.regulations 106.1940.114p. 1940 U.S.Treasury Dept.
International Classification of Financial Reporting. 1984 Nobes,C.
LA PRATIQUE DU NOUVEAU PLAN COMPTABLE EN 1984. d'ANJOU. 1984. 134-169p. Xerographic ed. 1984 d'ANJOU
Control through Information.A Report on Management Information System.1963.44p. 1963 AMA
Symposium Report and Selected Papers on Planning.Tokyo,1980.145p. 1980 ASIAN PRODUCTIVITY ORGANOZATION
Guaranteed Employment and Wage Plans.AEA.N.Y.,c1950.87p. 1950 Berridge,W.A.,and G.Wolfe
The Management Problems of Expansion.London,1966.220p. 1966 Broadway,F.
The New Managers.Patterns of behavior and development.Englewood.Prentice.1962.258p/ 1962 Dill,W.R.,Hilton,and Reitman
Business Simulation.1962. 1962 Greenlaw,P.S.,Herron,Rawdon
Controlling Corporate Sickness: Lessons from Experiences for Managers and Bankers. Delhi. Oxford. 1988.114p. 1988 Guptaa ,L. C.
Guide to Quality Control.Tokyo,Asian Productivity Organ.1976.226p. 1976 Ishikawa,Kaoru
Japanese Quality Control Circles.Tokyo,1988.199p. 1988 Onglatco,M.L.U.
Determing The Business Outlook.New York,1954.445p. 1954 Prochnow,H.V.
The Origin of Economic Ideas.London,Macmillan.1977.321p. 1977 Routh,G.
Masters of Business?London,1981.241p. 1981 Whitley,R.,and others
Principles of Accounting.Intermediate. Tokyo,Tuttle.(Modern Asia ed.) 5th ed.1960.955p. 1960 Finney,H.A.,and Miller
Accounting in Small Business Decisions. Lexington,Unv.of Kentucky Press,1963.133p. 1963 Gibson,J.L.,and Haynes
Accounting.Barrons.1992.170p. 1992 Minars,D.
Profit Theory and Capitalism. Oxford.Martin.1983.177p. 1983 Obrinsky,M.
Accounting Problems.And how to solve them. New York,Noble,1962.212p. 1962 Schabacker,J.C.,and Schroeder
The Bottom Line.Inside Accounting Today.New York, New American Library,1987.233p. 1987 Weinstein,G.W.
Proposed Activities for the Decade 1976-1986. 14p. 1976-1986 AAA
Accounting and Reporting Standards for Corporate Financial Statements and Preceding Statements and Supplements.1957.64p. 1957 AAA
TAX planning for Educators.1979.86p. 1979 AAA
A MANAGEMENT SERVICES THECHNICAL STUDY. 1:Cost Analysis for Product Line Decisions.1965.132p. 1965 AICPA
A MANAGEMENT SERVICES THECHNICAL STUDY.2:Cost Analysis for Pricing and Distribution Policies.1965.138p. 1965 AICPA
A MANAGEMENT SERVICES THECHNICAL STUDY.3:analysis for Expansion or Contraction of a Business.1966.121p. 1966 AICPA
A MANAGEMENT SERVICES THECHNICAL STUDY. 4:Analysis for Purchasing and Financing Productive Equipment.'67. 1967 AICPA
A MANAGEMENT SERVICES THECHNICAL STUDY. 5:Analysis for Purchase or Sale of a Business.1967. 1967 AICPA
A MANAGEMENT SERVICES THECHNICAL STUDY.6:Practical Techniques and Policies for Inventory Control.1968. 1968 AICPA
A MANAGEMENT SERVICES THECHNICAL STUDY. 7:Techniques for Forecasting Product Demand.1968. 1968 AICPA
A MANAGEMENT SERVICES THECHNICAL STUDY.8:Management Information Systems for the Smaller Business.1969.88p. 1969 AICPA
Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements. ATTESTATION TANDARDS.1986.33p. 1986 AICPA
Departures from Generally accepted Auditing Standards and Accounting Principles. (A Practice Review Bulletin 2)1968.39p. 1968 AICPA
Auditing Standards Established by the GAO.Their Meaning and Significance for CPAs. Report.1973.22p. 1973 AICPA
Management Adviosry Services Special Report:Operational Reviews of the Electronic Data Processing Function.1978.15p. 1978 AICPA
Decision Support Systems.By Davis-Stemp,et al.1986.56p. 1986 NAA
Decision Support Systems for Management Accountants.By Boeer,G.1987.49p. 1987 NAA
NAA RESEARCH MONOGRAPHS.Nos.1: Financial Analysis Techniques for Equipment Replacement Decisions.By Vassilatou.1965.67p. 1965 NAA
NAA RESEARCH MONOGRAPHS.Nos.2:Accounting Information in Manageral Decisions-Making for Small and Medium Manufactutures.By Luoma.1967.88p. 1967 NAA
NAA RESEARCH MONOGRAPHS.Nos.3:Sensitivity Analysis in Making Capital Investment Decisions. By House Jr. 1968.86p. 1968 NAA
NAA RESEARCH MONOGRAPHS.Nos.4:Major Changes caused by the Implementation of a Mangagement Information System.By Sollenberger.1968.113p. 1968 NAA
NAA RESEARCH MONOGRAPHS.Nos.5:Effects of Federal Income Taxes on Capital Budgeting.By J.W.Edward.1969.101p. 1969 NAA
Duties of The Senior Accountant.AIA.1932.91p. 1932 Thornton,F.W.
Duties of the Jnior Accountant.New York,AIA,1919.107p. 1919 Reynolds,W.B.,and Thronton
Financial Examinations.AIA,1933.282p. 1933 Thronton,F.A.
Modern Auditing:The Arthur Young Approach.1973.64p. 1973 ARTHUR YOUNG
PRICE WATERHOUSE & CO:Guide for the Reader of Foreign Financial Statements.1971.77p. 1971 PRICE WATERHOUSE & CO.
PRICE WATERHOUSE & CO:A Guide to the Reader of Financial Statement Restated for Price-level Changes.1974.8p. 1974 PRICE WATERHOUSE & CO.
Touche Ross & CO:Who Reads Employee Reports?1980.39p. 1980 Touche Ross & CO
In place of Bullock.1977.40p. 1977 CONFEDERATION OF BRITISH INDUSTRY
The counter inflation policy.Price Code-Stage 5.Notes for guidance.1976.23p. 1976 CONFEDERATION OF BRITISH INDUSTRY
The Editype Guide to ED18.1977.47p. 1977 Editype Limited
Department of Trade,-Inflation Accounting.A Brief Guide to the Report of the Inflation Accounting Committee.1976.9p. 1976 HMSO
UK Price Commission:Call-out Charges.1977.30p. 1977 HMSO
Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Trade:The Attack on Inflation after 31st July 1977.1977.8p. 1977 HMSO
Parliament :Industrial Democray.1978.17p. 1978 HMSO
ICAEW Accounting Standards Committee:EXPOSURE DRAFT 21.Accounting for foreign currency transactions.1977.12p. 1977 ICAEW
ICAEW Accounting Standards Committee:EXPOSURE DRAFT11.Proposed statement of standard accounting practice.Accounting for deferred taxation.1973. 1973 ICAEW
Balance Sheets-Questions on Interpretation Sources and Applications of Funds.1973.121p. 1973 Langdon,T.
The Valuation of Stock and Work in Progress.1955.28p. 1955 Russell,W.G.A.
Management by Budget. by P.N.Wallis.1954.38p. 1954 Incorporated Accountants'Research Committee(The)
Some Accounting Terms and Concepts. Appointed by ICAEW,and NIESR.Cambridge,1951.46p. 1951 THE JOINT EXPLORATORY COMMITTEE
Current issuesin cost-benefit analysis.By Walsh and Williams.1969.21p. 1969 U.K.Dept.of Civil Service,College,Occasional Papers 11
The economics of investment analysis.By R.Rees.1973.41p. 1973 U.K.Dept.of Civil Service,College,Occasional Papers 17
Amerikanische Betriebswirtschaft. Wiesbaden, Betriebswirtschaftlicher, 280s. N.D. Abromeit,H.G.
Die Anforderungen der Plankostenrechnung an das industrielleRechnungswesen.Dr.H.Janish.1959.48p. 1959 AGPLAN Heft 1
Grundfaelle Buchfuehrung.99 praktische Faelle.von Regier- ungsoberrat.Achim,Fleischer,1988.283s. 1988 Altmann,H.
Aktuelle Fragen multinationaler Unternehmen.Zfbf-Sonderheft.1975.198s. 1975 Bayer/Colbe/Lutter(Hrsg.)
Llehrbuch Buchfuehrung und Bilanzsteuerrecht.Heren,1986.430s. 1986 Boedtner/Bilke/Weiss
Buchfuehrung und Jahresabschluss.Muenchen Franz,1988. 1988 Buchner,R.
Linear Programming in Industry.Wien,Springer,1974.172s. 1974 Dono,S.
Verechnungspreise.1973.Opladen,1973.(Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift f.B.f./Sonderheft)107s.. 1973 Danert,G, Drumm,u Hax
Rationalisierung der Verwaltung durch Betriebsanalyse. Stuttgart,1983.206s. 1983 Ender,J., Greve
Bewertung und Abschreibung.Muenchen.1980.115s. 1980 Frank,M.
Systemtheorie und Betieb.Opalden,1974.181s.(Sonderheft-zfbf) 1974 Grochla/Fuchs/Lehmann
Gemeinwirtschaftliche Betriebe und oeffentliche Verwaltungen.1976.194s.(Sonderheft-zfbf) 1976 Haeseler,H.R(Hrsg.)
Steuerliche Mehrzweckbilanz.Berlin,1980.248s. 1980 Koschmieder,K-D.
Die Durchschreibebuchfuehrung von heute.1949.107s. 1949 Kresse,B.
Reformentwurf zu Grundvorschriften des Einkommensteuer-gesetzes.Koeln,1985.125s. 1985 Lang,J.
Investitionslexikon.M nchen,1975.403s. 1975 Luecke,W.
Wertanalyse Bedeutung und Einfuehrung im Maschinenbau.1968.39s. 1968 Lycke,K.
Neues deutsches Bilanzrecht.Duesseldorf,1986.c200s. 1986 Mertin/Brooks
Die Reserven als theoretisches Problem der Unternehmungswirtschaftslehre.1952.76s. 1952 Meyer,Mario
Amerikanische buergerliche Theorien der Leitung. Berlin.378s. 1980 Milner,B.S., u. A.Tschisbow
Erfolgsrechnung und Erfolgsanalyse.Muenden,'56.87p. 1956 Ostersetzer,B.
Bilanz Kontenfuehrung Kontenrahmen.1964.151s. 1964 Rechnungswesen sozialistischer Landwirtschaftsbetriebe
Die Pruefung der Bilanzbuchhalter.(1955)313s. 1955 Reinheimer,Hans
Investitionsentscheidungen und Kapitalmarkt theorie.Wiesbaden,1976.296s. 1976 Saelzle,R.
Auslandsinvestitionen und Waehrungsrisiken. Deutscher.1995.268s. 1995 Schaefer,T.
Wirtschaftlichkeitsrechnung.Wien.1981.196s. 1981 Schulte, Karl-W.
Berechnung von Kapitalkosten.Deutscher.1994.227s. 1994 Schulze, Stefan
Ordnungsmaessige Buchfuehrung.1973.106s. 1973 Schmidt,H.
Kostenrechnung und Finanzplanung des Volkseigenen Gutes.1953.99s. 1953 Schmidt,Johannes
Handelsbilanz und Steuerbilanz der offenen Handelsgesellschaft.1957.138s. 1957 Schmitt,K.-H.
Grundzuege der handels- und steuerrechtlichen Bilanz-ierung.Stuttgart,1988.171s. 1988 Streim,H.
Die Anwendung der persoenlichen Einsparungskonten.Berlin,1952.164s. 1952 Tatur/Sokolowski/Mnazaganowa
Bargeldlose Lohn- und Gehaltszahlung ihre Durchfuehrung in der Praxis.Wiesbaden.1959. 1959 Weisser,Karl
Plan- und Standard- Kostenrechung.Essen,1952.152s. 1952 Will,F.
Sozialbilanzen.Stuttgart.1981.273s. 1981 Wysocki,v.,K.
Planungsrechung und Rationalisierung.1953.167s. 1953 Zietschrift fuer Betriebswirtschaft
New Responsibilities in Corporate Finance.1962.111p. 1962 AMA
Credit Department Organization and Operation.A survey of CompanyPractices.1958.144p. 1958 AMA
Certificat of Incorporation/By-Laws.1973.26p. 1973 The Financial Accounting Foundation
The Measurement of Property,Plant,and Equipment in Financial Statements. Boston,1964,86p. 1964 HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL ACCOUNTING ROUND TABLE
Financial Management of Financial Institutions.Englewood,Prentice-hall,1977.263p. 1977 Hempel,G.H.,and Yawitz
The Scope and Methodology of Finance.Englewood, Prentice-Hall,1966.143p. 1966 Weston,J.Fr.
Robert R.Young.The Populist of Wall Street.NY,1969. 1969 Borkin,Joseph
Financial Services.2nd ed.Mcmillan.1991.204p. 1991 Lynch,R.L.,and Plessman
Accounting and its Managerial Uses.A Primer.1960.30p. 1960 Thomas,W.E.(ed.)
Bank Costs for Planning and Control.Park Ridge,1972.375p. 1972 BANK ADMINISTRATION INSTITUTE
Terminology of Cost Accountancy. London.Gee. 1966.29p. 1966 THE INSTITUTE OF COST AND WORKS ACCOUNTANTS
How Standard Costs are being Used Currently.c1950.94p. 1950 NACA
Overhead as an Element of Inventory Costs.1976.26p. 1976 Walker,J.K.,and Mulcahy
Municipal Accounting and Reporting:Issues for Research.1976.28p 1976 Alexander Grant&Company National Office
The Myth of Social Cost.San Francisco,CATO,1980.74p. 1980 Cheung,S.N.S.
Practical Program Evaluation for State and Local Governments.Washington,The Urban Institute, 1981.123p. 1981 Hatry,H.P.,Winnie,and Fisk
Public Expenditure.Its Defence and Reform.Oxford, Martin,1983.376p. 1987 Heald,D.
Accounting for the Benefits of Public Programs.(THE FEDERAL ACCOUNTANT.Vol.21/no.1)1972. 1972 Knighton,L.M.
Surveying the States.A Nationwide Look at GAAP and GAAS for Local Government.1983.79p. 1983 Municipal Finance Officers Asociation
Quantity and Price indexes in National Accounts.R.Stone.1956. 1956 OEEC
National Income and Flow-of-Funds Analysis.Tokyo,1960.550p. 1960 Powelson,J.P.
Termination Accounting Manual for Fixed-Price Supply Contracts.Washington,1944.54p. 1944 U.S.War Department
Obtaining Citizen Feedback:The Application of Citizen Surveys to Local Governments.Washington,The Urban Inst.,1973. 1973 Webb,K.,and Hatry
Handbook of Sampling for Auditing and Accounting.Vol.I(Methods)New York, McGraw-Hill,1963.613p 1963 Arkin,H.
Audit Organization and Practice in Banks Over $50 Million in Deposits.1978.16p. 1978 BANK ADMINISTRATION INSTITUTE
Auditing Standerds and Guidelines;Discusion drats. 1978.40p. 1978 CCAB
Research Committee Report 16:Internal Audit of Inventory Control and Management.1970.98p. 1970 The Institute of Internal Auditors
Research Committee Report 17:Behavioral Patterns in internal Audit Relationship.1972.119p. 1972 The Institute of Internal Auditors
Directory of Membership and Chapters.1967.c150p. 1967 The Institute of Internal Auditors
The Effect of Litigation on Independent Auditors.(Research Study No.1) Commission on Auditrs' Responsibilities.1977.116p. 1977 Jaenicke,R.H.
Auditing Methods.Belmont,Wadsworth,1967.92p. 1967 Lawrence,C.
Dollar-Unit Sampling.A Practi- cal Guide for Auditors.Toronto,1979.409p. 1979 Leslie,D.A.,Teitlebaum,and Anderson
Controlling Assets and Transactions.How to Reviewand Improve Internal Accounting Control.1979.99p. 1979 TOUCHE ROSS & CO
Statutory Audit Requirements in the Federal Republic of Germany.1973.66p. 1973 U.K.Chartered Accountants' Trust for Education and Research
Securities Industry Bill-1980.108p. 1980 Australia,Parliament,House of Representatives
Companies(Acquisition of Shares) Bill-1980.84p. 1980 Australia,Parliament,House of Representatives
Higher Education and the Accounting Profession.NewYork.Haskins&Sells.1971.24p. 1971 Porter,W.
Reforming the Income Tax System.Washington,1981.53p. 1981 Simon,W.E.
Real Estate Investment Analysis and Taxation.New York,McGraw-Hill,1969.355p. 1969 Wendt,P.F.,and Cerf
THE NEW MANAGERS patterns of behavior and develoopment. 1962 Dill,W.R.,Hilton,T.L.,and Reitman,W.R.
Effective Secretarial Practices.Chincinati,1949.644p. 1949 Beamer,E.K, Hanna,and Popham,
Quantitative Methods in Marketing.Prentice,1967.118p. 1967 Frank,R.E., and Green
Leading the Way to Organization Renewal.Portland.Productivity.1996.c50p. 1996 Nanus,B.
Long-Lived Assets.Belmont,Wadsworth,1967.120p. 1967 Dyckman,T.R.
Financial and Accounting Responsiblities of Directors.1970.24p. 1970 ICAEW,THE GENERAL EDUCATIONAL TRUST
Managment Information Systems.An annotated bibliogaphy. By I.Tricker.1969.127p. 1969 ICAEW,THE GENERAL EDUCATIONAL TRUST
Management Accounting.An outline of its nature and purpose.1954.15p. 1954 ICAEW
Kaufmaennische Betriebslehre.Kurzausgabe.1982.260s. 1982 Kugler,G.
A Guide to the Historical Records of British Banking. 1985 Pressnell,L.S. and others.
TRUST;The social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity. 1996 Fukuyama,F.
Managerial Finance. 1982 Weston,J.F.,and Brigham
Factory Accounts.Their Principles and Practice. A Handbook for Accountants and Manufacturers. 1969 Garcke,E.,and Fells
Ends and Means of Modern Management.Guides for Top Management Planning and Action.1959.158p. 1959 AMA
SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY.Glenview, Scott,Foresman and Co.,1972.146p. 1972 Berkowitz,Leonald
Management:Organization and Planning. New York,McGraw,1963.148p. 1963 Bowman,D.M.,F.M.Fillerup,
The Economics of Business Culture.Oxford,Clarendon Press.1994.286p. 1994 Casson,M.,
The Economics of the Firm.London,Blackwell, 1987.190p. 1987 Clarke,R.,T.McGuinness
Theory of the firm.Longoman.1975.180p. 1975 Crew,M.A.,
The Trade Balance. A Problem in National Planning. London,George Allen.1934.135p. 1934 Edgeworth,K.E.
Management Control.London,Macmillan,1971.207p. 1971 Eilon,S.
Business Cycles.Prentice.1956.467p. 1956 Estey,J.A.
Management and Unions;the theory and reform of Industrial Relations.London,Faber,1970.317p. 1970 Flanders,A.
Linear Programming.Methods and Applications.4th ed.McGraw.1975.406p. 1975 Gass,S.I.
Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act of 1998.Chicago,CCH.1998. 1998 Hamilton,J.,and Trautmann
Sociology and Organization Theory.Positivism,Paradigms and Postmodernity.Cambridge Studies in Management.1995.167p. 1995 Hassard,John
Management;analysis,concepts and cases.Englewood,Prentice,1961.526p. 1961 Haynes,W.W.
Administration and Management. Norman.Oklahoma.1975.182p. 1975 Hills,W.G.,v.Rest,Kearney,and Smith
International Labour Office:Workers' participation in decisions within undertakings.Geneva,1981.224p. 1981 International Labour Office
History and the Social Sciences.New Approachies to the Teaching of Social Studies.Blaisdell.1967.292p. 1967 Koontz,H.,and O'Donnell
Responsibility in Business.Issues and Problems.1972.148p. 1972 Kolasa,B.J.
Business Management Handbook.New York,1952.809p. 1952 Lasser,J.K(ed)
Production/Operations Management:Contemporary Policy for Managing Operating Systems.1973. 1973 Levin,R.I.,McLaughlin,Lamone,and Kottas
Big Business:A New Era.New York.Harper.1953.209p. 1953 Lilienthal.D.E.
Management Training.Cases and Principles.1959.534p. 1959 McLarney,W.J.
The Firast Industrial Naiton.An Economic History of Britain,1700-1914.1983.493p. 1983 Mathias,P.
British Management versus German Management.A Comparison of Organisational Effectiveness in West German and UK Factories.1979.72p. 1979 Millar,J.
Blue Sky Restrictions on New Business Promotions.New York.Bender.1971.168p. 1971 Mofsky,J.S.
GATX(Oil)Meeting the Changing Needs of Industry.By Scanlin and Thompson.1970.32p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1970 Newcomen Society Publication
The Americanization of Shell.The Beginnings and Early Years of Shell Oil Company in the United States.By Harry Bridges.1972.26p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1972 Newcomen Society Publication
The Story of Norris Industries,Inc.From Job Shop to Industrial Giant.By K.T.Norris.1973.30p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1973 Newcomen Society Publication
Renaissance of The Clorox Company.By R.B.Shetterly.1973.16p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1973 Newcomen Society Publication
The McNally Story.By E.T.McNally.1973.36p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1973 Newcomen Society Publication
The Story of Fuqua Industries,Inc.By J.B.Fuqua1973.18p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1973 Newcomen Society Publication
The Milton Bradley Story.By Shea Jr.1973.24p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1973 Newcomen Society Publication
United States Borax & Chemical Corporation.The First One Hundred Years.By Travis,and Randolph.1973.24p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1973 Newcomen Society Publication
Keeping Industry in Motion For Fifty Years.The Story of Bearings,Inc.By Bruening.1973.15p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1973 Newcomen Society Publication
The Business of Feeding People.The Story of Del Monte Corporation.By Eames,Jr.,and Landis.1974.22p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1974 Newcomen Society Publication
The Legend of the Bulldog.By Hansen.1974.43p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1974 Newcomen Society Publication
The College and The City.By Gilman.1974.24p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1974 Newcomen Society Publication
A Financial Sercvices Supermarket.The American General Story.By Woodson.1974.32p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1974 Newcomen Society Publication
The Wausau Story of Employers Insurance of Wausau.By Schlueter.1974.24p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1974 Newcomen Society Publication
The Story of Lord,Abbett&Co.and Affiliated Fund,Inc.A View of the Capital Needs of the U.S.Economy.By Driscoll.1974.20p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1974 Newcomen Society Publication
The History of Lance.By Van Every.1974.16p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1974 Newcomen Society Publication
Stone Container Corporation.A Story of Growth in the American Tradition.By Stone,M.N.and Stone,J.H.1975.24p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1975 Newcomen Society Publication
Eighty-Nine Years of Service in the South.The Story of The Progressive Farmer Company.By Cunningham.1975.16p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1975 Newcomen Society Publication
The Coleman Story.The Ability to Cope with Change.By Coleman,and Jones.1976.28p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1976 Newcomen Society Publication
The Echlin Manufacturing Company.1st Fifty Years.By Mancheski,and Scott.1976.18p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1976 Newcomen Society Publication
The Witco Story.By Wishnick.1976.34p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1976 Newcomen Society Publication
Dayton Malleable Inc.A Story of Progress.By Torley.1976.20p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1976 Newcomen Society Publication
From a Dream to a Scrappy Little Pipeline to a National Leader en Energy.By Thomas.1976.19p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1976 Newcomen Society Publication
The Persistence of Struggle.The Story of Acme-Cleveland Corporation.By Armastrong.1976.24p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1976 Newcomen Society Publication
The College of William and Mary in Virginia.By Graves,Jr.1976.24p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1976 Newcomen Society Publication
The Story of Financial General Bankshares and The Importance of Financial Institutions In a Free Enterprise Society.By Olmsted,and Johnson.1976.20p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1976 Newcomen Society Publication
Republic Financial Services,Inc.Since 1903…A Story of Progress of Free Enterprise System.By Perry.1976.24p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1976 Newcomen Society Publication
Webster Industries,Inc.One Hundred Years of Trial, Travail, and Triumph.By Nordholt,Jr. and Nordholt.1977.22p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1977 Newcomen Society Publication
Such Growth Bespeaks the Work of Many Hands.The Story of Skidmore College.By Palamountain,Jr.1976.27p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1976 Newcomen Society Publication
The Spirit of 76.The Story of the Union Oil Company of California.By Hartley.1977.20p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1977 Newcomen Society Publication
Around the Corner Or Around the World-Move With Security.The Story of Security Storage Company of Washington.By Gore.1976.23p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1976 Newcomen Society Publication
ARA Services,Inc.Developing A New Industry:Service Management.By Fishman.1977.24p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1977 Newcomen Society Publication
Camp Dresser & McKee Inc.30 Years of Environmental Consulting.By Lawler.1977.26p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1977 Newcomen Society Publication
Nebraska Wesleyan University.Pioneers Laying Foundations Fror Generations to Come!By Rogers.1977.20p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1977 Newcomen Society Publication
The Story of The Henry B.Gilpin Company.By Allen.1977.24p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1977 Newcomen Society Publication
In the Sun Belt-at the Right Time-with the Right People.The Story of Trend Line in Central Mississippi.By Hogg.1977.20p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1977 Newcomen Society Publication
The Missouri Pacific Story.By Jenks.1977.15p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1977 Newcomen Society Publication
Alabama Bancorporation.The Story of Alabama's Largest Institution.By Wood.1978.26p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1978 Newcomen Society Publication
National Bank of Commerce.75 Years of Service to Nebraska.By Yaussi.1977.18p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1977 Newcomen Society Publication
Partners in Success.The Story of McGraw-Edison Company.By Willimas.1978.20p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1978 Newcomen Society Publication
Public Advocate for Fire Safety.The Story of the National Fire Protection Association.By Morgan.1977.24p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1977 Newcomen Society Publication
Fluor Coporation.A 65-Year History.By Fluor.1978.30p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1978 Newcomen Society Publication
Electrifying Indianapolis.The Story of Indianapolis Power & Light Company.By Todd.1977.30p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1977 Newcomen Society Publication
Hercules Incorporated.A Study in Creative Chemistry.By Brown.1977.24p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1977 Newcomen Society Publication
The Standard of The Industry.The Story of Robbins & Myers,Inc.By Wall.1978.16p.ニューコメン・ソサエティ刊行物 1978 Newcomen Society Publication
Commercial Banking.New Jersey,PRENTICE,1976,442p. 1976 Reed,E.W.and others
The Sociology of Management.New Yorjk.Harvester.1989.182p. 1989 Reed. M.I.
Management Systems. New York, Wiley.1967.483p. 1967 Schoderbek, P.P.
Japanese Production and Distribution in Synchronisation.Tokyo,1992.236p. 1992 Seto,Hroaki
Creative Negotiating.Developing Innovative.Boston,1983. 1983 Shea,G.F.
Probability Models:With business applications,Richard D.IRWIN,1969,592p. 1969 Shook,R.C.and Highland H.J.
An Introduction to the Theory of Value. London,Macmillam.1923.104p. 1923 Smart,W.
A Classified Guide to Business and Commercial Books.F.&E..Sroneham,London,1924.49p. 1924 F.&E..Sroneham
Motivation.New York,McGraw-hill,1967.172p. 1967 Teevan,R.C.,B.D.Smith
Human Relations in Modern Industry.London,Gerald,1963.192p. 1963 Tredgold,R.F.
Bureau of Business Research:The Small Business Executive Decision Stimulation:ADMINISTRATO'R MANUAL.1963.153p. 1963 Univ.of Texas
CRIME AGAINST SMALL BUSINESS.A Report of the Small Business Administration.Transmitted to the Select Committee on Small Business.U.S.Senate.1969.279p. 1969 U.S.Congress,Senate
Use of Management and Business Literature.London,Butterworths.1975.327p. 1975 Vernon,K.D.C.
Business.An Introductory Analysis.New York,Harper,1962.677p. 1962 Wheeler,B.O.
The Compleat Strategyst.Being a Primer on the Theory of Games of Strategy.New York,1954.234p. 1954 Williams,J.D.
Democracy,Authority,and Alienation in Work.Chicago,1980.216p. 1980 Witte,J.F.
Corporate Accounts Problems.Boston,Bentley,1962.57p. 1962 Anderson,R.D.
Understanding Company Accounts.Pitman.1979.111p. 1979 Bird,P.
Current Issues in Accounting.Allan,1977.293p. 1977 Carsberg,B.,T.Hope
Mathematics of Finance.Boston.houghton.1956.198+88p 1956 Cissell,R.,and Cissell
Accounting:The Language of Business.Third ed.New Jersey,1977.131p. 1977 Davidson,S.,J.S.Schindler,C.P.Stickney,and R.L.Weil
Accounting:The Language of Business.4th,ed.New Jersey,1979.132p. 1979 Davidson,S.,J.S.Schindler,C.P.Stickney,and R.L.Weil
The Executive's Accounting Primer. N.Y.,McGraw.1971.328p. 1971 Dixon,R.L.
Productivity Measurement. I:Concepts.Project No.235. Paris,O.E.E.C.1956.143p. 1956 FPA
An Introduction to Modern Accounting.2nd ed.London.Heinemann.1974.177p. 1974 Hall,A.G.
Accounting Principles and Practice.Oxford,1964.361p. 1964 Hall,S.
Contemporary Accounting and the Computer.Belmont, Dickenson Pibl., 1969.356p. 1969 Hein,Leonard W.
Accounting;an introduction.London,1977. 1977 Hindmarch,A.,and others
Register of International Research in Acconting.Oxford.1953. 1954 The Incorporated Accountants' Research Committee.
Accounting Problems.New York,American Institute of Banking, 1937.109p. 1937 Inghram,H.A.
Finney and Miller's Principles of Accounting Introductory. Tokyo,Tuttle.1980.8th ed.(Modern Asia ed.)754p. 1980 Johnson,G.L.,and Gentry,J.A.
Plan Comptable General.pour entreprises artisanales,industrielles et commerciales.1980.136p. 1980 Kaefer,Karl
Limited Assuarance Engagements Survey Research. Kyoto,Housei.1990.112p. 1990 Koga,C.,and Robertson,J.C.
Bank Accounting Practice.New York,1937.532p. 1937 Langston,L.H.
Accounting Essentials.New York.1972.308p. 1972 Margolis,N.,and Harmon
The Accounts of Limited Company Customers.Waterlow,1983.181p. 1983 Mather,L.C.
Accounting.N.Y.,1977. 1977 Mueller,G.G.,and Smith
Fundamental Accounting Principles.New York,Irwin,1955. 1955 Pyle,W.W.
Opportunities in Accounting.VGM.1983.152p. 1983 Rosenberg,M.
The Emanuel Saxe Distinguished Lectutes in Accounting,1984-1986.Baruch College,The City of New York.57p. 1986 Saxe,Emanuel
The Function of Accounting in Economic Development. Turkey as a Case Study.New York,Praeger,1967.346p. Photocopy ed.hard cover. 1967 Seidler,L.J.
College Accounting.Cincinnati,South-Western,1946.715p. 1946 Sherwood,J.F.
Punched Card Accounting;and The Professional Accountant.London,39p.c1930. 1930 Smith,J.Sanford
Contabilidad para Direccion.Eunsa,1970.304p. 1970 Soler,F.P.
Theory Formulations. (University of Florida Accounting Series No.6) 1970. 97p. 1970 Stone,W.E.(ed.)/Arai,Bierman,Blough,Prince,Stewart
Business Accounting. A course in Book-Keeping on Modern Lines. 3rd ed. London,Pitman.1955.375p. 1955 Terry,L.A.,and Smith,W.T.
The Fall of Prices.A Brief Account of The Facts,The Pro- bable Causes and Possible Cures.London,Oxford,1931.68p. 1931 Todd,J.A.
Understanding Accounting.Englewood,1971.104p. 1971 Tracy,J.A.
Planning Business Combinations.1968.118p.Librand. 1968 Wintrub,W.G.
Financial Management for the Multinational Firm.Prentice.1987.594p. 1987 Abdulllah、F.A.
World Tax Series.Taxation In The U.S.By Harvard Law School.98p. 1965 Commerce Clearing House,Inc.
International Financial Management.Blackwell,1986.470p. 1986 Holland, J.B.
International Financial Management.Theory and Application.New York.Wiley.1985. 1985 Lessard,D.R.
A Brief Introduction to Managerial and Social Uses of Accounting.1975.128p. 1975 May,R.G.,Mueller,and Williams
Advanced in International Accounting:A Research Annual. Volume 1. London,JAI.1987.404p. 1987 Most,K.S.(ed.)
Accounting:An International Perspective.A Suppliment to Introductory Accounting Textbooks. Homewood,Irwin.1987.166p. 1987 Mueller,G.G.,Gernon,H.,and Meek,G.
Accounting.An International Perspective.N.Y.,1994. 1994 Mueller,G.G.,and Smith
Accounting Standard Harmonization.No.1=Foreign Currency Translation.1986.c40p. 1986 OECD
Handbook of International Financial Management.New York.McGraw.1984.c800p. 1984 Sweeny,A.,and Rachlin
University of Illinois,Center for International Education and Research in Accounting:The Status of Social Reporting in Selected Countries.1978.146p. 1978 University of Illinois
Guide to International Financial Management.New York,McGraw-hill,1977.409p. 1977 Weston,J.Fred,and Sorge
Eighty-eight International Accounting Problems in Rank Order of Importance.By G.M.Scott.1980.c100p. 1980 AAA
50th ANNIVERSARY.Membership poster 1965-1966. 1966. 1966 AAA
Accounting Concepts and Standards underlying Corporate Financial Statements and Supplements.1948.c30p. 1948 AAA
Empirical Research in Accounting.A Methodological Viewpoint.By A.R.Abdel-khalik,and Ajinkya.1979.125p. 1979 AAA
Better Accounting.65th Annual Meeting Papers. 65th Annual Meeting Papers. 1952.202p. 1952 AIA
Accounting Auditing Taxes.66th Annual Meeting Papers.1953.232p. 1953 AIA
Audit of Savings and Loan Associations.By Independent CPA.1951.48p. 1951 AIA
Audits by Certified Public Accountants.1950.56p. 1950 AIA
Executive Committee.(Sweeet,Willimas,Peloubet,Barnes,Smart etc.) 1946.8p. 1946 AIA
AIA,Research Dept.:Accounting Problems Arising form Devaluation of Foreign Currencies.1949.7p. 1949 AIA
Computing Earning Per Share.By J.T.Ball.1970.189p. 1970 AICPA
Guide for Prospective Financial Statements.By the Financial Forecasts and ProjectionsTask Force.1986.235p 1986 AICPA
Personal Financial Statements(Audit) Guide.By the Personal Financial Statements Task Force.1983.72p. 1983 AICPA
Audits of Credit Unions.By Audits of Credit Unions Committee.1986.88p. 1986 AICPA
Audits of Finance Companies.By the Committee on Finance Companies.1973.121p. 1973 AICPA
Audits of Investment Companies.By the Investment Companies Special Committee. 1979.201p. 1979 AICPA
Audits of Brokers and Dealers in Securities.By the Stockbrokerage Auditing Subcommittee.1985.182p. 1985 AICPA
Audits of Colleges and Universities.By the Committee.1973.78p. 1973 AICPA
The Auditor's Study and Evaluation of Internal Control in EDP System.By the Computer Services Exectutive Committee.1977.67p. 1977 AICPA
Statements on Management Advisory Services.1974.33p. 1974 AICPA
On the Quality of Independent Audits.Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the U.S.House of Representatives.1985.25p. 1985 AICPA
Education for Expanding Computer Curricuolums.A Symposium.'76. 1976 AICPA
Management Adviosry Services Special Report:Environmental Cost/Benefit Studies.1977.18p. 1977 AICPA
Management Adviosry Services Special Report:Energy Conservation Studies.Including Energy Audits.1977.18p. 1977 AICPA
Report of the Special Committee on Audit Committees.1979.11p. 1979 AICPA
Index to Accounting and Auditing Technical Pronouncements.as of March 31,1977.c250p. 1977 AICPA
NAA,Reserch Report..No.22:The Analysis of Manufacturing Cost Variances.1952.46p. 1952 NAA
NAA,Reserch Report.No.30:Accounting for Intra-Company Transfers.1956.48p. 1956 NAA
NAA,Reserch Report.No.31:Costing Joint Products.1957.54p. 1957 NAA
NAA,Reserch Report.No.32:Accounting for Labor Costs and Labor Related Costs.1957.68p. 1957 NAA
NAA,Reserch Report.No.34:Classification and Coding Techniques to Facilitate Accounting Operation.1959.52p. 1959 NAA
NAA,Reserch Report.No.35:Return on Capital asa Guide to Mangerial Decisions.1959.107p. 1959 NAA
NAA,Reserch Report.No.39:Accounting for Cost of Capacity.1963.63p. 1963 NAA
NAA,Reserch Report.No.41:Control of Maintenance Cost.1964.87p. 1964 NAA
NAA,Reserch Report.No.42:Long Range Profit Planning.1964.111p. 1964 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE. No.8:Accounting Terminology.Selected Terms:Statements no.1-6.1974.28p. 1974 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE. No.9A:Management Accounting Terminology.Selected Terms:Managerial Accounting.1977.33p. 1977 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE. No.9B:Management Accounting Terminology:Selected Terms:Financial Accoutning.1978.27p. 1978 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE. No.9C:Management Accounting Terminology:Selected Terms:Management Information Systems.1976.44p. 1976 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE. No.9D:Management Accounting Terminology:Selected Terms:Auditing.1976.15p. 1976 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE. No.9E:Management Accounting Terminology:Selected Terms:Research Methodology.1978.14p. 1978 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE. No.9F:Management Accounting Terminology:Selected Terms:Budgeting.1978.18p. 1978 NAA
NAA STATEMENTS ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICE. No.9G:ManagementAccounting Terminology:Selected Terms:General Terms:Quantitative,Behafvioral and Theoretical.1978.14p. 1978 NAA
NAA:Replacement Costing:Complying with Disclosure Requirements.By O'Connor,Grant,and Sollenberger.1977.44p. 1977 NAA
Corporate Disclosure in Japan Overview.1987.48P. 1987 The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Corporate Disclosure in Japan Overview.1989.35P. 1989 The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Preparing for the CPA Examination.Vol.I(Problems and References).Belmont,Wadsworth,1967.680p. 1967 Smith,R.J.
CPA Requirements.Wisconsin State Univ.1968.230p. 1968 Behling,R.P.
Professional Ethics of Public Accounting.N.Y.,1946.136p. 1946 Carey,J.L.
In the Matter of Four Seasons Nursing Centers of America,Inc.1972.c30p. 1972 Arthur Andersen & Co.
Before The Securities and Exchange Commission. :In the Matter of Four Seasons Nursing Centers of America.1971.58p. 1971 Arthur Andersen & Co.
Guide to Fiancial Instruments.1990.152p. 1990 COOPERS & LYBRAND
Statement by Peat,Marwick,Mitchell & Co., with respect to National Student Marketing Corporation.1974.11p. 1974 PEAT,MARWICK,MITCHELL & CO.
PRICE WATERHOUSE & CO:Information Guide for Those Doing Business Outside the U.S.A.Key Investment Factors in 56 Countries.1962.31p. 1962 PRICE WATERHOUSE & CO.
Dictionary of accounting.London.1981.161p. 1981 Estes,R.
College of Commerce & Business Administration 1976-77 STAFF DIRECTORY.26p. 1976-1977 University of illinois at Urbana-champaign
Dictionary of Accounting. M.I.T.,1981.161p. 1981 Estes,R.
UK Financial Accounting Standards.A Descriptive and Analytical Approach.Cambridge.1983.234p. 1983 Ashton,R.
Accounting Practices Relating to Prospectuses.IARC.1954.39p. 1954 Bray,F.S.,and Kenny
The responsibilities of the British public company.Final report of the Company Affairs Committee.1973.48p. 1973 CONFEDERATION OF BRITISH INDUSTRY
Parliament,Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs:Developments in the European Communities.The United Kingdom Presidency.1977.40p. 1977 HMSO
Parliament,Lord Privy Seal:The United Kingdom and the European Economic Community.1961.18p. 1961 HMSO
UK Central Office of Information Reference:The British System of Taxation.1977.51p. 1977 HMSO
Terminology of Cost Accountancy. London,Gee.1954.24p. 1954 the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants
An Introduction to Business Forecasting.1977.42p. 1977 The Institute of Cost and Managemnt Accountants:
ICAEW,Auditing Practices Committee:The Companies Act 1980 and the auditor.1981.48p. 1981 ICAEW
ICAEW General Education Trust:The use of ratios in the study of business fluctuations andtrends.By Bevan.1966.42p. 1966 ICAEW
ICAEW General Education Trust:An audit approach to computers.1966.159p. 1966 ICAEW
ICAEW Research Committee Technical Advisory Committee:Report on ED18 Current Cost Accounting.20p. N.D. ICAEW
Do the figures make sense? A practical guide to anaytical review.By Westwick.1981.78p. 1981 ICAEW
Professional Briefs for Practitioners.Guide to the 1977 Counter-Inflation Legislation.By Conran.1978.24p. 1978 ICAEW
Internal control and audit of computer-based accounting systems.Statements on auditing Nos.14/15.1970.42p. 1970 ICAEW
Standard Costing.An introductionto the accouting processes.1970.106p. 1970 ICAEW
Statements on Auditing.1970.128p. 1970 ICAEW
The Sandiands Report.its Impact on Insurance Valuations.1975.48p. 1975 Scott,D.(ed.)
Bankruptcy Accounts.London,DATA.1971.44p 1971 Thompson,J.
Accounting Analysis of the Efficiency of Public Enterprises.1984.85p. 1984 Turk,I.
Recent developments in the profession,education,training…provide services within the member countries of UEC.1971.c30p. 1971 UEC
THE REPORT OF THE CORPORATE AFFAIRS COMMISSION for the yeart ended 31st Dec.1973.48p. 1973 Austraria,New South Wales
Accounting Requirements of The Companies Acts 1948-1967.1969.36p. 1969 ICAEW,THE GENERAL EDUCATIONAL TRUST
Mechanised Accounting and Auditor.1949.20p. 1949 ICAEW
A Current Digestof the Law Affecting Accountancy.1953.87p. 1953 Incorporated Accountants'Research Committee(The)
Company Acounts.Estover,Macdonald,1978.423p. 1978 Magee,J.O.
Cost Accounting.London,Pitman,c1935.Lack title page. 1935 Schumer,L.A.
Report of the Committee on Company Law Amendment. London,HMSO.1955.115p. 1955 U.K.Board of Trade
Report on Research and Development,1974.122p. 1974 U.K.Dept of Industry
Companies in 1973.London,32p. 1973 U.K.Dept.of Trade
Betriebsabrechnung und Kalkulation.Handbuch fuer diePraxis der Kostenrechnung.Berlin.104s. N.D. Amweg,W.,u.Graf
Der Produktions prozess im Industriebetrieb.Berlin. 1966.251s. 1966 Arnold,H.,Borchert,Lange,u.Schmidt
Finanzen und Kredit. Band:2.1952.Berlin,579p. 1952 AUFSATZSAMMLUNG FUER UNTERRICHT UND PRAXIS
Einfuehrung in das Industrielle Rechnungs-wesen.Koeln,Kohlhammer,1954.164s. 1954 Baier,C.G.,u.Ludewig.
Die Steuern in der betrieblichen Planung.Berlin.1969.189s. 1969 Bareis,H.P.
Die wirtschaftlichen Ausgangsbedingungen der DDR.Berlin.Akademie.1979.191s. 1979 Barthel, Horst
Finanzierung deutscher Unternehmen heute.Stuttgart.1984.170s. 1984 Bierich,M., R.Schmidt
Handels- und Steuerbilanzen.Heidelberg,1986.263s. 1986 Pfitzer,N.,Bauch.
Makrooekobnomische Untersushungen der Auswirkungen von Steuersystemaenderungen.Wiesbaden.1970.149s. 1970 Beckmann,M.
Zur Betriebsplanung der Produktionsgenossenschaften des Handwerks.1960. 1960 Boernert,S.
Die Prozesskostenrechnung.Ludwigsburg.Wissenschaft.1994.165s. 1994 Braun, Stephan
Buchfuehrung.Kiehl Verlag.1989.319s. 1989 Bussiek,J.,H.Ehrmann
Grundlagen und Verfahren des industriellen Rechnungswesens.Muenchen.1953.118s. 1953 Bussmann,K.F.
Forschungskonzeptionen der Wirtschaftswissenschaft.2 Aufl.1979.373s. 1979 Chmielewicz,K.
Betriebliches Rechungswesen.1.248s.1979. 1979 Chmielewicz,K.
Ausgewaehlte Lesestuecke zum Stadium der Politischen Oekonomie.Jena.1922.208s. 1922 Doiehl,K.,u.Mombert
Bilanzierung nach Handelsrecht und Steuerrecht.'87.403s. 1987 Federmann,R
Die Umlaufmittel der Industriebetriebe.Berlin.1952.112s. 1952 Fedossejew,K.A.
Kostenverursachung und Kostenzurechnung.Berlin.1981.190s. 1981 Fraas,G.
Wirtschaftliche Rechnungsfuehrung in den Konsumgenossenschaften.Berlin,1952.80s. 1952 Fritsche,R.
Rechnungswesenfuer Wirtschaftsshulen.Bd.I-II.Muenchen.1979.Bd.1-2. 1979 Graf,H., Hecht
Steuerbilanz und Vermoegensaufstellung.Hamburg,1984.584s. 1984 Haberstock,L.
Kostenrechung.II(Grenz-)Plankostenrechung...1984.549s. 1984 Haberstock,L.
Grundzuege der Kosten- und Erfolgsrechnugn.1982.272s. 1982 Haberstock,L.
Betribsplanung.Wiesbaden.c1950.103s. 1950 Henzel,F.
Erhoehte Abschreibungen fuer Wohngebaeude.Muenchen.1978.92s. 1978 Hoelzl,M.
Controlling. Muenchen.Franz.1994.895s. 5Aufl. 1994 Horvath , Peter
Fragen der Abschreibung.Zuerich.1977.19s. 1977 Kaefer,Karl
Probleme der Kostenriassung und Kostenanalyse im sozialistischen Industriebetrieb.1954.167s. 1954 Kliem,H.
Immobilien-Leasing:Ein Beitrag zur Zivilrechtsdogmatik des Leasing.Muenchen,1989.207s. 1989 Koch,R.
Unternehmenstheorie als Entscheidungshilfe.Gabler.1987. 1987 Koch,J.
Grundlagen der Wirtschaftlichkeitsrechung.Gabler.1970. 1970 Koch,J.
Organisation der Plankostenrechnung.Wiesbaden,1961.119s. 1961 Koller,H.
Betriebswirtschaftslehre.Kurzausgabe.1981.305s. 1981 Kruse-Heun
Opttionsanleihen.Abhandlungen aus dem Industrrieseminarder Univ.zu Koeln.Berlin,1956.216p. 1956 Linnhoff,H.
Betriebsfunktionen-historisch betrachtet.Berlin,1964. 1964 Linnhoff,H.
Modernes Rechnungswesen.Bern,1949.158s. 1949 Maerki,A.
Bilanz- und Betriebs- Analyse.Wiesbaden,Betrieb-swirtschaftlicher,1960.238s. 1960 Mayer,L.,and Mayer
Wert und Wertung im Betrieb.Essen,1952.95s. 1952 Mellerowicz,K.
Abschreibungen in Erfolgs- und Kostenrechung.1957. 1957 Mellerowicz,K.
Der Wert der Unternehmung als Ganzes.Essen.1952.226s. 1952 Mellerowicz,K.
Die Plankosten in Teorie und Praxis der Betriebsplanung.1957.160s. 1957 Messbauer,R.
Bilanzierung nach handels- und Steuerrecht.Berlin,6Aufl.1987.368s. 1987 Meyer,C.
Bilanzierung nach handels- und Steuerrecht.Berlin,3Aufl.1982.316s. 1982 Meyer,C.
Die Abrechnung des Produktionsprozesses der volkseigenen Industriebwetriebe mit Einfuehrung in die Kostenrechnung.2 Aufl.1957.72s. 1957 Mitzinger,G.
Standard- und Plankostenrechung.1949.144s. 1949 Mueller,Horst
Ergaenzungen und Vereinfachungen der Kostenrechnungin der volkseigenen Bauindustire.berlin,1955.72s. 1955 Pauckert,M.
Der Markt als Einflussfaktor der Unternehmungsgr- oesse.Berlin,Humblot,1971.179s. 1971 Peemoeller,V.H.
Lagerbuchfuehrung und Lagerverwaltung.1950.173s. 1950 Raasch,K.
Die neue Umsatzsteuer in der DDR.1990,208s. 1990 Rau,G.,Duerrwaechter
Entwicklungsstand und Perspektiven der Prozesskostenrechnung.1994.161s. 1994 Rechkenfelderbaeumer,M.
Die Markenwertmessung als Gundlage Strategischer Markenfuehrung.1996.211s. 1996 Riedel,F.
Optimale Nutzungsdauer und optimaler Ersatzzeitpunkt bei Entnahmemaximierung.Meisenheim.Anton.1975.299s. 1975 Schulte, Karl-W.
Bilanzierung und Bewertung.1978.298s. 1978 Schmidt,H.
Corporate Governance in Germany. Baden-Baden.Nomos.1997.292s. 1997 Schmidt,Hartmut, Drukarczyk,et al
Wirtschaftiche Rechnungsfuehrung und Besteuerung.1953.172s. 1953 Schmidt,Johannes
Probleme bei der Ermittlung der industriellen Bruttoproduktion.1953.99s. 1953 Schmidt,M.
The German Co-determination Act.An Act Conceerning Co-determination of Employees of May 4 1976.Main.1976.158p. 1976 Schneider,H.,u.Kingsman
Grundlagen und System der Einkommensbesteuerung. Herne,1986.215s. 1986 Schulz,B.
Controlling.Koeln. Kohlhammer.1992.358s. 1992 Serfling, Klaus
Die Arbeitskraeftebilanz.1953.132s. 1953 Sonin,M.
Theoretische und Technologische Forschung in der Betreibswirtschaftslehre.Stuttgart.1973.185s. 1973 Staehlin,W.
Langfristige Personalplanung auf der Grundlage von Investitionsmodellen.Wiesbaden,1976.269s. 1976 Strutz,H.
Betriebswirtschaftliche Informationstheorie.Grundlagen desInformationssystems.Opladen.1971.302s. 1971 Wacker,W.H.
Pensionsrueckstellungen als mittel der Finanzierung. Stuttgart,Poeschel.1962.119s. 1962 Weihrauch,H.
Corporatism and the Stability of Capitalist Democracies.Frankfurt.Lang.1991.215s. 1991 Wilke,M.
Betriebswirtschaftslehre und wissenschaftliche Revolution.Eugen Schmalenbachs Betriebswirtschaftslehre zum Gedaechtnis. Stuttgart.1980.199s. 1980 Ziegler,L.J.
Theorie und Praxis der Pruefungen im Betriebe.Esen,Girardet,1954.190s. 1954 Zimmermann,E.
Vos Produits Nouveaux.Face aus consommateurs.Paris. 1974.175p. 1974 Cohen,M., e. Piontkowsky
L'Europe et les consommateurs.1978.172p. 1978 Lisle,E.A.,etc
Protection des Consommateurs das le Domaine du Credit a la Copnsommation.Rapport du Comiote.1977. 1977 ORGANISATION DE COOPERATION ET DE DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIQUES:
Le Bilan Social.Le dossier de la loi.(Numero Special 1977) 1977 Revue Francaise de Gestion:
Financial Reporting;the theoretical and regulatory framework.London.GEE.1986.358p. 1986 Alexander,D.
Investments.An Introduction to Analysis and Management.Englewood,Prentice,1965.650p. 1965 Amling,F.
The Cashless Society:EFTS at the Crossroads.New York, Wiley,1981.298p. 1981 Bequai,A.
The Theory and Practice of Bond Portfolio Manage- ment.New York,Institutional Investor.1976.158p. 1976 Bernstein,P.L.
The Capital Budgeting Decision.New York, 1966.420p. 1966 Bierman,H.Jr.,and Smidt
Capital Budgeting.The Public and Private Sectors.New York.Praeger.1972.190p. 1972 Boness,A.J.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS.THEORY AND PRACTICE..Boston,Allyn and Bacon,1969.640p. 線引 1969 Bower,James B
International Capital Budgeting.London.Prentice.1996.373p. 1996 Buckley, Adrian
The Measurement of Portfolio Risk Exposure.Use of the Beta Coefficient.Toronto,Lexington,1972.125p. 1972 Campanella,F.B.
Capital Investment Analysis.Using Discounted Cash Flows.3rd ed.1984. 1984 Casler, G.L.,and others
Financing an Enterprise.Vol.II(Organization).New York,Ronald,1921.434p. 1921 Conyngton,H.R.
Proxy Communications and Management Disclosure.1983.127p. 1983 Commerce Clearing House
Cases in Finanancial Accounting.Boston.Irwin.1989.511p. 1989 Dyckman,T.R.,and Swieringa
The Appraisal of Capital Expenditure.The Society of Industrial and Cost Accountants of Canada.1959.76p. 1959 Edge,C.G.
ABSTRACTS.(Publication list of Issue & Summary).September 23,1993.1993.c800p. 1993 EMMERGING ISSUE TASK FORCE(FASB & OTHERS)
Financial Reporting Trends.Fire and Casualty 1972. 1972 ERNST & ERNST
Financial Reporting Trends.Banking 1973. 1973 ERNST & ERNST
Certificat of Incorporation/By-Laws.Exposure Draft.1973.47p. 1973 The Financial Accounting Foundation
Cases in Financial Reporting.Boston,Kent.1981.339p 1981 Gibson,C.H.,and Frishkoff
Casino Accounting and Financial Management.Reno, Univ.of Nevada Press,1984.378p. 1984 Greenlees,E.M.
International Financial Managemnt.Blackwell. 1993.470p. 1993 Holland, J.
Balance Sheet and Dialectic-Logic of Profit Caluculation Structure.1987. 1987 Ichikawa,Bunzo
Financial Statements;Form,Analysis and Interpretation.Chicago.Irwin,2nd ed1952.593p. 1952 Kennedy,R.D.
Financial Statements;Form,Analysis and Interpretation.Chicago.Irwin,1st ed1950.559p. 1950 Kennedy,R.D.
Corporate Trust.Administration and Manage- ment.New York,Univ.Pres,1974.281p. 1974 Kennedy,J.C.,and Landau
The Price System and Resource Allocation.New York, Holt,1961.381p. 1961 Leftwich,R.H.
Accounting Control & Financial Strategy.Macmillan.1978.180p. 1978 McCosh, A.M.,and Earl
Financial Accounting and Control.London,Allen,1968.214p. 1968 Magee,C.C.
Cartels Combines & Trusts in Post-War Germany.1968.183p. 1968 Michels,R.
Cases in Financial Management.Univ.of Pennsylvania,1964.26p. 1964 Norgaard,R.L.
The Art and Practice of Investment.London,1963.120p. 1963 Nursaw,W.G.
Accounts Receivable Financing as a Method of BusinessFinance. Baltimore,Commercial Credit Co.,1957.65p. 1957 Phelps,C.W.
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Optimal Financing Decisions.Englewood, 1965.166p. 1965 Robichek,A.A.,and Myers
International Corporate Finance.Survey & Synthesis.Financial Management Association.1986.79p. 1986 Shapiro, A.C.
Profits.Growth and Planning Techniques of Modern Financial Management. Homewood,Irwin.1974.252p. 1974 Summers,E.L.
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Monetary Pololicy and Credit Control.The UK Experience. London,1978.219p. 1978 Gowland,D.
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Continuation of Higher Interest Rates on Time Deposits of Foreign Official Institutions.1965.19p. 1965 US,Congress,Senate,Committee on Banking and Currency
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Principles of Management Accounting.London,Gee,1975.271p. 1975 Brooks,B.
A Guide to Management Accounting.London, HFL.,1960.173p. 1960 Broad,H.W.,and Carmichael
Finance for Managers.London,Macdonald,1975.282p. 1975 Goff,W.S.
Control Techniques for Office Efficiency.NY,1963.273p. 1963 Grillo,E.V.
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Topics in Management Accounting.2nd ed.McGraw.1974.412p. 1974 Rosen,L.S.
Managerial Finance.CBS.1986.1035p. 1986 Weston,J.F.,and Copeland
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Implementing Activity-Based Cost Managemnt.CMA.1992.336p. 1992 Cooper,R.,Kaplan,Maisel,Morrissey,and Oehm
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The Green Ecopnomy.London.Pluto.1991.312p. 1991 Jacobs,Michael
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ACCOUNTANTS INTERNATIONAL STUDY GROUP:STUDY No.14:Interim Financial Reporting. 1975 Study Group of AICPA,CICA,ICAEW & others
ACCOUNTANTS INTERNATIONAL STUDY GROUP:STUDY No.15:Going Concern Problems. 1975 Study Group of AICPA,CICA,ICAEW & others
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Mathematical Reasoning in Economics and Management Science.1967.168p. 1967 Boot,John C.G.
The Colonial Merchant. Sources and Readings. N.Y.,Harcourt.1966.199p. 1966 Bruchey,S.(ed.)
Strategy in Labor Relations.Waterford,National Foremen's Insutitute.(1963).151p. 1963 Byrd,F.S.
Managing Money & Finance.London,Gower.1969.257p. 1969 Clarkson,G.P.E.,and Elliott B.J.
A Guide to Operational Research.London.1965.153p. 1965 Duckworth,E.
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Capitalism and the Historians.Univ.of Chicago Press.1963.184p. 1963 Hayek,F.A.(ed)
Big Bets Gone Bad.Derivatives and Bankruptcy in Orange Country.Academic,1995.176p. 1995 Jorion,Phillippe
Studies in the Industrial Economics.Kyoto,1976.134p. 1976 Kojima,Osamu,
Power and Perfomance in Organizations.London,Blackwell,1986.184p. 1986 Mangham,I.L.
Essentialas of Management.3rd ed.1979.262p. 1979 Massie,J.L.
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Management by System.New York,McGraw-Hill,1960.359p. 1960 Neuschel,R.F.
Economic Analysis fopr Marketing Decisions. Prentice.1969.260p. 1969 Palda, K.S.
Labor Economics and Labor Relations.1964.568p. 1964 Reynolds,L.G.
The Seven Swedes.Swedish Company Report.Stockholm,1984.139p. 1984 von Essen,R.
Dividend Policy and Enterprise Valuation. Belmont,Wadsworth.1967.152p. 1967 Walter,J.E.
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The Business of Finance. London,Murray.1920.236p. 1920 Withers,H.
International Trade.1995. Trends and Statistics.176p. 1995 WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION
Purchasing for Profit.Practical Guides for Purchasing Cost Reduction.Report20.1958.115p. 1958 AMA
Essentials of Accounting.Reading,Addison,Self Instruction.1964.130p. 1964 Anthony,R.N.
Accounting for Resources.1.Cheltenham. Edward.1998.245p. 1998 Ayres,R.U.,and Ayres
The Income Approach to Property Valuation.London.1979.216p. 1979 Baum,A.,and Mackmin
The Accounting Sampler.An Introduction.New York,McGraw-Hill,1967.326p. 1967 Burns,T.J.,and Hendrickson
Getting Acquainted with Accounting.Boston,Houghton,1973.156p. 1973 Carey,J.L.
Careers and Opportunities in Accounting.N.Y.1965.224p. 1965 Cashin,J.A.
Period Planning & Budgetary Control.London,Macdonald, 1964.76p. 1964 Evans,E.C.D.
Value Analysis.London,McGrawhill,1967.186p. 1967 Gage,W.L.
Accounting Systems.Procedures and Methods.1961.2nd ed.641p. 1961 Gillespie,C.
Basic Statistics for Business and Economics.1982. 1982 Hoel,P.G.,& other
Accounting in Japan;an International Perspective.Tokyo,1991.152p. 1991 Kikuya,M,and other
Now Accounts.The Now Account Decision… Profitability Pricing Strategies.BAI,1980. 1980 Murphy,N.B.,and L.Mandell
Introduction to Valuation.Nottingham.1975.186p. 1975 Richmond,D.
Theory of Portfolio Selecltion.New York. Macmillan.1978.143p. 1978 Ryan,T.M.
Basic Accounts.London,Dent,1973.167p. 1973 Stott,J.R.
International Dimensions of Accounting.Boston.1984.217p. 1984 Arpan,J.S.,and AlHashim
Managing International Risk.Pennsylvania,Wharton School,Cambridge Univ.Press1984,273p.. 1984 Herring,R.J.
International Accounting.Cambridge.Harper.1984.524p 1984 Holzer,H.P.,et al
Accounting in Europe.London,Westminster Bank.1975.426p. 1975 Lafferty,M.
International Business Finance.New York.Wiley.1996.282p. 1996 McRae,T.W.
Accounting Principles Underlying Corporate Financial Statements. 1941.8p. 1941 AAA
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Statement on Management Advisory Services.Nos.1-3(1969) 1969 AICPA
Statement on Auditing Procedure No.28.1960.67p. 1960 AICPA
Statements on Auditing Procedure No.33.1963.105p. 1963 AICPA
AICPA,Statement of the Accounting Principles Board:No.3(1969)Financial StatementsRestated for General Price-Level Changes.72p. 1969 AICPA
Report of the Task Force on the Quality of Audits of Governmental Units.1987.71p. 1987 AICPA
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NAA:How U.S.Firms Measure Productivity.By Kraus.1984.100p. 1984 NAA
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Recommendations for Modificatio of The Internal Revenue Code with Special Reference to Income and Estate Taxes.1947.22p. 1947 New York,CPA
AICPA,Board on Standards for Pograms and Schools of Professional Accounting:FINAL REPORT.1977.15p. 1977 AICPA,Board on Standards for Pograms and Schools of Professional Accounting
Financial Disclosure Practices of the American Cities.1976.44p. 1976 COOPERS & LYBRAND
Developing Communications Skills for the Accounting Professin,Florida,AAA,1980,66p. 1980 Ingram,R.W.
A Bibliography of International Business.New York,Columbia Univ.Pres,1964.603p. 1964 Stewart,C.F.,and Simon
Management Accounting.19p.c1960? 1960 The Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants(UK)
The full Text of CBI's Evidence to the Bullock Committee of Enquiry into Industrial Democracy.March.1976.28p. 1976 CONFEDERATION OF BRITISH INDUSTRY
Industrial Democracy:Prospects after Bullock.1977.38p. 1977 Fatchett D.
Review Board for Government Contracts.Report on The Second General Review of The Profit Formula for Non-Competitive Governement Contracts.1977.56p. 1977 HMSO
Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Trade:The Future of Company Reports.A Consulttative Document.1977.18p. 1977 HMSO
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Industrial Democracy Committee:Industrial Democracy.European Experience.By Batstone,and Davies.1977.88p. 1977 HMSO
The Classification and Coding of Accounts.By Risk.1977.79p. 1977 The Institute of Cost and Managemnt Accountants:
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Professional Ethics in Belgium.1979.27p. 1979 ICAEW
Requirements for qualification as a reviseur d'entreprises in Belgium.1977.27p. 1977 ICAEW
Professional Ethics for Chartered Accountants.In the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.1976.29p. 1976 ICAEW
Requirements for qualification as certified accountant in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.1976.40p. 1976 ICAEW
Education,training and examination requirements for admission to the accountancy profession in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.1976.40p. 1976 ICAEW
Professional Ethics in the Federal Republic of Germany.1976.45p. 1976 ICAEW
Requirements for qualification as a wirtschaftspruefer in the Federal Republic of Germany.1976.35p. 1976 ICAEW
Professional Ethics for Registeraccountants in the Netherlands.1978.30p. 1978 ICAEW
Requirements for qualification as registeraccountant in the Netherlands.1977.30p. 1977 ICAEW
Requirements for qualification as registeraccountant in the Denmark.1976.20p. 1976 ICAEW
Employee Participation in the European Community.The Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies.1977.4p. 1977 ICAEW and others
Employee Participation in commerce and industry.The Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies.1977.12p. 1977 ICAEW and others
Improvements to Company Law.The Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies.1977.38p. 1977 ICAEW and others
Critiques of Agency Theory in Accountancy.1985.c100p. 1985 Puxty,A.G.(ed.)
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The Business of Finance.London,Murray.1920.234p. 1920 Withers,Hartley
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Die Jahresbilanz der Unternehmung.Stuttgart.1950.108s. 1950 Barth,K.
Die Planung der selbstkosten in der industrie. Berlin,1955.96s. 1955 Burmistrow,N.B.
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Unternehmen verschiedener Wirtschaftshereiche. Schmidt. 1979.381s. 1979 Endels,W.
Betriebliches Rechnungswesen.Muenchen,Oldenbourg.1983.296s. 1983 Eilenberger,G.
Die Bilanzierungshilfe fuer Ingangsetzung undErweiterung des Geschaeftsbetriebs.Nuerunberg,1988.205s. 1988 Ettinger,G.H.
Selbstverwaltung in der Unternehmung.Bern,Hupt,1950. 1950 Fehlmann,H.
Der Betriebsplan im Handel.Berlin, 1957.367s. 1957 Genkina,L.S.,Gogol,u.Kistanow
Die Betriebspruefung.1955.c200s. 1955 Gnam,A.
Die Risikopolitik der Internationalen Unternehmung.1983.304s. 1983 Haan,H.de
Inflationsrechnung im Unternehmen.1984.152s. 1984 Hammerschmidt,J.
Investitionsrechung.Muenchen,Oldenbourg,1989.201s. 1989 Heinhold,M.
Kosten und Kostenrechnung.Wiesbaden.1975.242s. 1975 Heinen,Edmund
Stellenbeschreibung und Fuehrungsanweisung.Die organisator- ische Aufgabe moderner Unternehmensfuehrung.1966.324s. 1966 Hoehn,R.
Kostenrechnung.Wiesbaden,1957.167s. 1957 Kalveram,W.
Plankostenrechnung.Bericht ueber die Plankostentagung im Januar 1949.88s.1949. 1949 Kalveram,W.,u.Mueller
Kosten- und Leistungsrechung.Muenchen,1990.233s. 1990 Koch,J.
Besteuerung bei Inflation.Mit Jahresabschlussanalysen.Wiesbaden,1978.252s. 1978 Kohler,T.L.
Buchfuehrung.;Grundkurs fuer oekonomische Ausbildungseinrichtungen. Berlin.1984.158p. 1984 Kreitel,W.,Reinecke,G.,Sachse,I.and Schaffranka,K.
Rechtsratgeber fuer die Wirtschaftspraxis.1984.167s. 1984 Kresse,W., Kotsch-Fasshauer
Bilanzanalyse und Bilanzpolitik nach neuem Bilanzrecht.1987.173s. 1987 Kueting,K.,Weber
Kaufmaennische Betriebslehre.Hauptausgabe.1983.485s. 1983 Kugler,G.
Die Gemeinkosten in der Plankostenrechnung.1956.134s. 1956 Medicke,W.
Mellerowicz,K.,-Kapitalverkehr.Wiesbaden,1950.105s. 1950 Mellerowicz,K.
Die Industrielle Betriebsanalyse als Voraussetzung fuer Organizations-,Rationalisierungs-,Planungs- und Finanzierungs-, Massnahmen.Wien,1947.132s. 1947 Meissner,D.
Neuere formen der Kostenrechnung.Kostenrechnung II.1981.222s. 1981 Michel,R.,u.torspecken
Die Finanzierung der Russengeschaefte zwischen den beiden Welkriegen.Die Entwicklung der 12 grossen Russlandkonsortien.Frankfurt.1975.48s. 1975 Pohl,M.
Finazierungsleasing.Koeln,1988.251s. 1988 Prinz,A.
Betriebliches Rechnungswesen. Gabler.1992.144s. 1992 Rosenberg,O., u. W.Weber
Finanzprobleme des modernen Imperialismus.Berlin. 1958.248s. 1958 Rzensnitzek,Fr.
Unternehmungsfinanzen und Konjunktur,Eine theore- tische und praxeologische Untersuchung der Zusamenhaenge zwischen Konjunktur und betrieblicher Finanzwirtschaft.Stuttgart.1980.385s. 1980 Schierenbeck,H.
Die Besteuerung der Kapitalgesellschaften.1985.228s. 1985 Schoene,W.-D.
Technik des betrieblichen Rechnungswesens.Muenchen,Oldernbourg,1988.211s. 1988 Schoettler/Spulak
Einfuehrung in das Rechnungswesen.1953.138s. 1953 Sltucki,C.
Wirtschaftliche Rechnungsfuehrung und Rentabilitaet des Betriebes.1953.191s. 1953 Tatur,S.K.
Theorie und Praxis der Bilanzanalyse.1975.201s. 1975 Vogler/Mattes
Die Pruefung der Kostenarten.1967.184s. 1967 Wintestein,W.
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Corporate Mergers And Acquisitions;Basic Financial,Legal,And Policy Aspects.MANAGEMENT REPORT NUMBER 4.1958.178p. 1958 AMA
Cases in Corporation Finance.New York, 1962.115p. 1962 Andersen,T.A.,and D.A.Snell
Accounting for the Flow of Funds.NY,Houghton,1962.131p. 1962 Anton,H.R.
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Valuation:Concepts and Practice.Belmont.1966.115p. 1966 Helfert,E.
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Capital Budgeting.A Quantitative Evalution of Investment.Alternatives.New York,1970.276p. 1970 Oakford,R.V.
The Businessman's View of the Purposes of Financial Reporting.FERF.1973.126p. 1973 Rice,C.D.,Ford,Williams,and Silverman
Corporate Financial Information for Government Decision Making.New York.1975.183p. 1975 Ronen,J.,and Sadan
Financial Organization and Administration.New York, American Book Co.,1934.670p. 1934 Stevens,W.M.
THE INSIDERS.A Stockholder's Guide to Wall Street.Garden City,Doubleday,1962.247p. 1962 Wise,T.A.
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Money in a Maelstrom.(Story of the IMF,and IBRD)1949. 1949 Beyen,J.W.
Implementing Capital Budgeting Techniques.Cambridge.1988.2nd ed.108p. 1988 Bierman, H.Jr.
The Go-Go Years.(Wall Street story:corporate Chutzpab and Creative Accounting etc)1973.375p. 1973 Brooks,J.
National Monetary and Financial Analysis.1978.190p. 1978 Dorrance,G.S.
Banking:Developments in Accounting,Tax and Regulation. 1990.42p. 1990 DRT International
Women in Banking.A History of the National Association of Bank Women.Washingotn,1959.115p. 1959 Gildersleeve,G.N.
Money Debt and Economic Activity.Prentice.1961.513p. 1961 Hart,A.G., Kenen
Wages,Prices and Profits.London,1922.110p. 1922 Webb,S.
Pioneers of British Life Assurance.1951.112p. 1951 Whithers,Hartley
Accounting for the Flow of Funds.NY,Houghton,1962.131p. 1962 Anton,H.R.
Topics in Mangement Accounting.1980.300p. 1980 Arnold,J.,and others,(ed)
Financial and Statistical Reports in Admnistering a Law Firm.Price Waterhaouse,1961.30p. 1961 Biegler,J.C.M.B.Basson
The Capital Budgeting Decision.New York,2rd ed,1966.420p. 1966 Bierman,H.Jr., Schmidt
The Capital Budgeting Decision.New York,3rd ed,1971.482p. 1971 Bierman,H.Jr., Schmidt
Materials Management.LIFT:the flexible system for inventory management.1975.33p. 1975 COOPERS & LYBRAND
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Investition und besteuerung.1985.300s. 1985 Mellwig,W.
Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung. Wien.1989.295s. 1989 Moews,D.
Bewertung direkter Auslandsinvestitionen mit Hilfebetrieblicher Investitionskalkuele.1989.319s. 1989 Mrotzek,R.
Schmalenbachs Dynamische Bilanz.1957.177s. 1957 Muscheid,Werner
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Das Rechnungswesen in den Reichsbahn=ausvesserungswerken.108s.Spener.c1930. 1930 Reidel,R.
Die Pruefung der Bilanzbuchhalter. Rhein.Kiehl.1972.546s. 1972 Reinheimer,Hans,u.Erb
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Kostenorientierte Produktionssteuerung.Vahlen.1991.227s. 1991 Renner,A.
Einzelkosten- und Deckungsbeitrags- rechnung.4 Aufl.1982.549s. 1972 Riebel,P.
Selbstkostenberechnung im Maschinenbau. Neudruck der Ausgabe Berlin 1911.1990.170s. 1990 Schlesinger, Georg
Materialien-Sammlung fuer das Buchhaltungs-Lessen. 3. Aufl. Neudruck der Ausgabe Leipzig 1921.1981 1981 Schmalenbach, E.(hrsg.)
Wiederbeschaffungspreis des Umsatztages in Kalkulation und Volkswirtschaft. Neudruck der Ausgabe Berlin 1923. 1974.188s. 1974 Schmidt, F.
Investition und Finanzierung. 5Aufl. Gabler.1980.683s. 1980 Schneider,Erich
Selbstkostenberechnung fuer Huettenwerke, insbesondere fuer Eisen- und Stahlwerke. Neudruck der Ausgabe Duesseldorf 1909.1990.76s. 1990 Schuchart, Adolph
Zum Problem der Messung des wirtschaftlichen Handelns mithilfe der Bilanz. Berlin. Humblot.1966.247s. 1966 Schulze,H. H.
Break-even-Anaysen,Grundmodell,Varianten,Erweiterungen.Stuttgart.1986.314s. 1986 Schweitzer,M.,u.Trossmann
Moderne Kosten- & Leistungs rechnung.6 Aufl.Wien.1990.573s. 1990 Seicht, G.
Aktienrechtliche Jahres Abschlusspruefung.1979.511s. 1979 Selchert,F.W.
Evolution und Management.Ansaetze zu einer evolutionistischen Betrachtung sozialer Systeme.Bern.Paul.1981.358s. 1981 Spruengli,R.K.
Grundlagen einer reinen Kostentheorie. Neudruck der Ausgabe Wien 1932.1981. 1981 Stackelberg, H. von
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Betrriebswirtschaftliches Rechnungswesen.1988.3 Aufl.408s. 1988 Weber,H.K.
Das Recht der Rechnungslegung.1980.255s. 1980 Weickert,Hans-Guenter
Rueckstellugen in der Bilanz.Wiesbaden.1960.387s. 1960 Werninger,G.
Bilanzierung und Bilanzpolitik.Muenchen,1971. 1Aufl.784s. 1971 Woehe,G.
Bilanzierung und Bilanzpolitik.Muenchen,1987.7 Aufl.1026s. 1987 Woehe,G.
Betriebliches Rechnungswesen.1978.285s. 1978 Zimmermann,Werner
A Tecnica da leitura de Balancos.Lisboa,1936.197p. 1936 Dias,F.C.
Cours complementaire de commerce et de comptabilite du deuxieme degre.Paris,Magnard.1938.190p. 1938 Roustain,J.B.
Fonctions et responsabilite des dirigeants de societes par actions.1974.325p. 1974 Berdah,J.P.
Principes et pratique du Droit de la Consommation.Delmas. 1979.c200p. 1979 Fourgoux,J.C.etc
Participation.Interessement-Participation.Plans d'epargne d'entreprise. Actionnaritat.Paris.1975.354p. 1975 JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA REPUBLIQUE FRAQNCAISE
Marches de capitaux:options et nouveaux contrats.Dalloz.1980.354p. 1980 Levasseur, M. etc
Rapports Annuels sur la Politique a l'egard des Consommateurs;dans les pays Membres de l'OCDE.Paris.1972,1976,1977. 1972-1977 ORGANISATION DE COOPERATION ET DE DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIQUES:
Plan Comptable Revise. Guide Pratiqaue et etude methodologique.Paris,1980.542p. 1980 Raffegeau,J.,etc
Accounting Values and INFLATION.McGREW.1975.217p. 1975 Baxter,W.T.
Foundations of Financial Managemnt.Homewood, 4th ed.1987.786p. 1987 Block,S.B.,and Hirt
Financial Accounting Standards,Explanation and Analisis.C.C.H.1981.13+877p. 1981 Booker,B.D.and Jarnagin,B.D.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS.Selected Readings.Boston,HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY,1968.408p.線引 1968 Bower,James B
Principles of Corporate Finance.Mcgraw.2nd ed,1984.847p. 1984 Brealey,R.,and Myers
Intermidiate Financial Management.2nd ed.Chicago.Dryden.1987. 1987 Brigham,E.F.,and Gapenski
The Modern Theory of Financial Reporting.Plano.1987.460p. 1987 Brown,L.D.
Understanding Interpreting Company Reports and Accounts.London.Gee.1983.268p. 1983 Farmer,E.R.
Accountingfor Inflation and Price Level Changes.London.Gee.1980.113p. 1980 Farmer,E.R.
Economic Uncertainty & Financial Structure.A Studyof the Obstacles to Stability.London,Macmillan,1977.234p. 1977 Grant,A.T.K.
Financial Reporting under the (U.K.)Companies Act 1981. Implementation in Practice.London,1985.146p. 1985 Hardcastle,A., Renshall
The Ethics of Accounting&Finance.Quorum.1996.229p. 1996 Hoffman,Kamm,Frederick,Petry
Accounting Flows:Income,Funds,and Cash.Prentice.1965.167p. 1965 Jaedicke,R.K.and Sprouse,R.T.
Strategic Capital Budgeting.Chicago.Probus.1994.324p. 1994 Johnson,H.J.
How to Find Negligence and Misrepresentations in Fina-ncing Statements.New York,McGraw-hill,1985.with Suppl. 1985 Kellogg,I.
The SEC and Corporate Disclosure:Regulation in Search of a Purpose.HBJ.1979.368p. 1979 Kripke,H.
Financial Analysis and Planning.Reading.Wesley.1985.777p. 1985 Lee, C.F.
Corporate Finance.Theory,Method,and Applications.HBJ.1990.765p. 1990 Lee,C.F.,and Finnerty
Financial Management.An Analytical Approach. Homewood,Irwin.1967.510p. 1967 Lindasy,J.R.,and Sametz
The Term Structure of Interest Rates.Expectations and Behavior Patterns.Princeton.1966.271p. 1966 Malkiel,B.G.
Financial Managemnt.Concepts and Applications.New York.Macmillan.1987.798p. 1987 Rao, R.K.
Fundamentals of Financial Management.New York.Macmillan.1989.808p. 1989 Rao, R.K.
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance.Chicago.Irwin.1995.779p. 1995 Ross,S.A.,Westerfield,and Jordan
Frontiers of Financial Management.Cincinnati.Wouth-Western.1984.454p. 1984 Serraino,W.J.,Singhvi,and Soldofsky
Accounting Reporting Problems.Interim Financial Statements.New York.1978.139p. 1978 Schiff,M.
Financial and Administraitive Accounting.New York,McGraw-Hill,1955.493p. 1955 Smith,C.A.,and Ashburne
Some Issues in Financial Accoutning.Univ.of New England.1987.c200p. 1987 Stauton,J.J.,and Marsh
Barance Sheets.How to Read and Understand Them.London,1954.126p. 1954 Tovey,P., de Paula
Financial Accounting.An Introduction.6th ed.HBJ.1990.805p. 1990 Walgenbach,P.H.,and Hanson
Corporate Reports:Their Interpretation and Use in Business.Hutchinson.1986. 1986 Walton,P.,and Bond
Mathematical Programming and the Analysis of Capital Budgeting Problems.1964.200p. 1964 Weingartner,H.M.
Capital Budgeting Techniques.2nd ed.Chichester.Wiley.1997. 1997 Wilkes,F.M.
Price Variation and Inflation Accounting.New York.McGraw.1980.174p. 1980 Chambers,R.J.
Inflation Accounting.A Guide for the Accountant and the Financial Analyst.New York.McGraw.1976.242p. 1976 Davidson,S.,Stickney,and Weil
Accounting Under Inflationary Conditions.London,Allen,1978.300p. 1978 Kirkman,P.R.A.
Indexing for Inflation.london.Heineman.1975.158p. 1975 Liesner,T.,and King(ed.)
Reprot.INFLATION ACCOUNTING. London,1978.364p.HMSO. 1978 U.K.Inflation Accounting Committee
Business Finance.Theory and Management. 2nd ed. N.Y.,Macmillan.1972.664p. 1972 Archer,S.H.,and D7Ambrosio,C.A.
The Investor and the Securities Act.New York.1973.255p. 1973 Cherrington,H.
A History of Banking in New Haven,Connecticut. New Haven,1946.126p. 1946 Hasse,W.F.Jr.
International Financial Management. Blackwell.1986.262p. 1986 Holland,J.B.
The Great Society's Poor Law.A New Approach to Poverty.1966.348p. 1966 Levitan,S.A.
The First Hundred Years.The Chronicle of a Mutual Savings Bank.By D.E.Campbell.1949.105p. 1949 EAST RIVER SAVINGS BANK
SEC ANNUAL REPORT.years:1962,63,64,79.4 vols. 1962 SEC
Management Accoutning.Tesxt and Cases.Homewood,Irwin,1964.766p.3rd ed. 1964 Anthony,R.N.
Management Accoutning.Tesxt and Cases.Homewood,Irwin, 1970.790p.4th ed. 1970 Anthony,R.N.
Management Accounting.Text and Cases.Irwin.1975.5th ed.830p. 1975 Anthony,R.N.,and Reece
Management Control in Nonprofit Organizations.Homewood.IRWIN.1975.355p. 1975 Anthony,N.R.and Herzlinger,R.
Multinational Management Accounting.New York.Quorum.1991. 1991 Belkaoui,A.
Managerial Accounting.An Introduction.New York,Macmillan,19681st ed..414p. 1968 Bierman,H.Jr.,and A.R.Drebin
Managerial Accounting.An Introduction.New York,Macmillan,1972.2nd ed.419p. 1972 Bierman,H.Jr.,and A.R.Drebin
Managerial Accounting.An Introduction to Concepts,Methods and Uses.1978.544p. 1978 Davidson,S.,and others
Management Accounting.A Decision Emphasis.New York.Wiley.1988.4th ed. 1988 DeCoster,D.T.,Schafer,and Ziebell
Managerial Accounting.Boston.PWS.6th ed.1991.831p. 1991 Dominiak,G.F.,and Louderback
Profit Management and Control.NY,1955.285p. 1955 Gardner,F.V.
Variable Budget Control.NewYork,1940.357p. 1940 Gardner,F.V.
Managerial Economics.London,Longman,1969.356p. 1969 Hague,D.C.
Itroduction to Management Accounting.7th ed.Prentice-Hall.1987.762p. 1987 Horngren,T.C.,Sundem,L.G.and Sundem
Managerial Accounting.Cincinnati.South-Western.1988.7th ed.897p. 1988 Moore,C.L.,Anderson,and Jaedicke
Modern Management Accounting.Goodyear.1977.625p. 1977 Nelson,A.T.,and Miller
Management Systems for Profit and Growth.NY,'76.365p. 1976 Neuschel,R.F.
Managerial Cost Accountning and Analysis.Text,Problems,and Cases.New York,McGraw-Hill,2rd ed,1962.644p. 1962 Nickerson,C.B.
Management of Company Finance.Ontario, Canada,Nelson,3rd ed,1980.497p. 1980 Samuels,J.M.,F.M.Wilkes
A guide to Managerial Accounting in Small Companies.New York,Arno,1979.272p. 1979 Still,J.W.
Accounting for Value as well asOriginal Cost. Chicago,La Salle,1931ed.Reprinted by Arno Press, 1978.c150p.bound with A Solution to the Appreciation Problem. 1978 Baldwin,H.G.,and Castenholz
Current Cost/Constant Dollar Accounting and its Uses in the Managerial Decision-Makaing Process.Univ.of Arkansas.1986.73p. 1986 Bell,P.W.
Cost Management for Today's Advanced Manufacturing: The Cam-I Conceptual Design.Boston.Harvard.1988. 1988 Berliner.C.and Brimson(ed.)
Front Line Cost Administration.New York,1955.259p. 1955 Cooling,Wilmer C.
Cost Accounting.New York,1974.2nd ed.694p. 1974 Dopuch,N.Birnberg,and Demski
Cost Accounting.New York,1981.3rd ed.726p. 1981 Dopuch,N.Birnberg,and Demski
Management and Cost Accounting (Management & Cost Accounting) .Nostorand.1985.1st ed.599p. 1985 Drury, Colin
Management and Cost Accounting (Management & Cost Accounting) .Nostorand.1988.2nd ed.859p. 1988 Drury, Colin
Cost Accounting and Control.Englewood,Prentice-Hall,1957.824p. 1957 Gillespie,C.
Basic Accounting and Cost Accounting.New York, McGraw-Hill,1964.520p. 1964 Grant,E.L.,and Bell
Activity-Based Costing for Marketing and Manufaxtureing.Quorum.1993.239p. 1993 Lewis,R.L.
UTILITIES' COST OF CAPITAL. Arlington.Public Utilities Reports. 1984.313p. 1984 Morin,A.R.
Management Information Systems.Homewood.Irwin.1990.670p. 1990 O'Brien,J.A.
Dictionary of Costing.Londo.Pitman.1958.484p. 1958 Ryall,R.J.H.
Principles of Cost Accounting.Cincinnati, South-Western.2nd ed.1942.271p. 1942 Scherwood,J.F.,and Chase
Principles of Cost Accounting.Cincinnati, South-Western.1949.295p. 1949 Scherwood,J.F.,and Chase
Principles of Cost Accounting.Cincinnati, South-Western.3rd ed.1955.295p. 1955 Scherwood,J.F.,and Chase
Principles of Cost Accounting.5th ed.South-Western.1973.362p 1973 Schmiedicke,R.E.and Nagy,C.F.
Cost Accounting Standards Board. 1979.136p. 1979 U.S.Congress,Senate.Hearing
Transfer of Cost Accounting Standards Board.1980.67p. 1980 U.S.Congress,Senate.Hearing
Direct Standard Cost.New York,McGraw-Hill,1962.221p. 1962 Wright,W.
Accounting Service.1957. 2 vols.Washington.c600p. 1957 AMERICAN TRUCKING ASSOCIATIONS.INC
Farm Accounting Business Analysis. Ames,Iowa Stae Univ.Press,1974.269p. 1974 James,S.C.,and Stoneberg
Accounting in the Lumber Industry.NY,1929.291p. 1929 Eckardt,H.W.
Shop Expense.Analysis and Control.New York,The En- gineering Magazine,1917.236p. 1917 Ficker,N.T.
Retail Accounting and FinancialControl.New York,Ronald,1976.511p. 1976 Moscarello,L.C.,Grau,and Chapman
Social Auditing.Evaluating the Impact of Corporate Programs,New York.1976.168p. 1976 Blake,D.H.,Frederick,and Myers
Accounting for the Environment.Princeton.Markus.1993.348p. 1993 Gray, Rob
Illustrations of Industory Sections of Cmprehensive Annual Financial Reports of State and Local Governments.1984.132p. 1984 MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organaizations.2nd ed.Irwin.1990.349p. 1990 Hay,L.E.and Engstrom,J.H.
Disclosure of Corporate Social Performance.New York.1979.124p. 1979 Johnson,H.L.
Public Utility Accounting.Models,Mergers,and Information Systems.MSU.1971.237p. 1971 Salmonson,R.F.(ed.)
RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES IN AUDITING: THE SECOUND DECADE. AAA. 1988.216p. 1988 Abdel-khalik,A.R.and Solomon,I.(ed.)
Practical Controllership.Homewood,Irwin.3rd ed.1973.628p. 1973 Anderson,D.R.,Schmidt,and McCosh
Symposium on Auditing Research II. Illinois.1977.240p. 1977 Audit Group at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Auditing;with Solution volime.New York,Ronald.1948.738p. 1948 Bynes,T.W.,Baker,and Smith
Perspectives in Auditing.3rd ed.Readings and analysis Situations.New York,McGraw-Hill,1979.520p. 1979 Carmichael,D.R.,and Willingham
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Corporate Audit Committees:Policies and Practices.Ernst&Ernst.1977.121p. 1977 Mautz,R.K.,and Neumann
Cases in Auditing.Homewood,Irwin.1965.349p. 1965 Nielsen,Oswald
Audits Independent Based Systems.Englewood,1967.744p. 1967 Stettler,H.F.
Audits Independent Based Systems.Englewood,2er ed,1974.784p. 1974 Stettler,H.F.
Inflation and the Income Tax.Washington.Brookings.1976.340p. 1976 Aaron,H.(ed.)
Complete Guide to Estate Accounting and Taxes. Englewood,Prentice.1965.214p. 1965 Denhardt,J.G.
Substituting a Value-Added Tax for the Corporate Income Tax;First Round Analisis.Cambridge.NBER.1977.216p. 1977 Dresch,S.and Lin.and Stout
Anson's Law of Contract. 24th.ed. Oxford,Clarendon.1975.683p. 1975 Guest,A.G.
Stevens' Elements of Mercantile Law.London.1960.c700p. 1960 Montgomeroie,J.
Practical Aspects of Deferred Tax Accounting;A working guide to SSAP 8& SSAP 11.England.ICAEW.1976.193p. 1976 Stitt,I.
Maintenance of Capital:Financial Versus Physical. 1982 Sterling,R.R.,and Lemke
Accounting. A Decision Approach. 1986 RODEN,L.S.
Accounting for Inflation and Price Level Changes(incl.SSAP 16). 1979 Farmer,E.R.
The Making of Scientific Management. 1:Thirteen Pioneers. 1959 Urwick,L.,and Brech,E.F.L.
The Making of Scientific Management. 3:The Hawthorne Investigations. 1961 Urwick,L.,and Brech,E.F.L.
Selected Papers from The C.W.haskins,Accounting History Seminars.1983.Texas,1983.172p. 1983 Gaertner,J.F.
GmbH-Gesetz.Deutsch-englische Textausgabe.German Law Pertaining to Companies with Limited Liability.Koeln, Otto Schmidt.3rd revised ed.153p. 1996 Peltzer/Brooks/Hapcroft
Codilication of Financial Reporting Policies. An Announced in Financial Reporting Release No.1. SEC. 1982. 3 voils. c600p. Xerographic ed. 1982 U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission.
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Entrepreneurship,Management and the Structure of Payoffs.Cambridge,MIT,1992.311p. 1992 Baumol,W.J.
Economic Analysis.I:Microeconomics.1966.720p. 1966 Boulding,Kenneth E.
Manageing in Turbulent Times.New York.Harper.1980.239p. 1980 Drucker,P.F.
Readings in Mergers and Acquisitions.London, Blackwell,1994.364p. 1994 Gaughan,Patrick(ed)
Mergers and Acquisitions.Tronto,1983.357p. 1983 Keenan,M.,L.J.White
Junior Training for Modern Business.Chicago John,1925.376p. 1925 Kirk,J.G.,M.A.Waesche
The Development of Firms.Cambridge,1963.305p. 1963 Mackintosh,A.S.
Restraint of Trade and Business Secrets.FT Law.1996.391p. 1996 Mehigan,S.,and Griffiths
Developments in Management Thought.London,Heinemann,1974.277p. 1974 Pollard,H.R.
The Shocking History of Advertising.London,1953.303p. 1953 Turner,E.S.
The Diary of an AD MAN.Chicago,1944.256p. 1944 Young,J.W.
Credits and Collections in Theory and Practice. New York,McGrawhill,1955.6th ed.612p. 1955 Beckman,T.N.,and R.Bartels
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An Empirical Inquiry into the Desirability of Exteding the Attest Function to Interim Financial Reports.Doctoral Dissertation to Univ.of Arkansas.1976.UMI. 1976 Jarnagin,B.
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Fundamental Accounting Principles.New York,Irwin,1984,1075p. 1984 Pyle,W.W.,Larson,and Zin.
A Survey of Basic Accounting. Homewood,Irwin,1973.411p. 1973 Salmonson,R.F.,Hermanson,and Edwards
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An Analysis of the Readability of Footnotes to Financial Statements and Recommendations for their Improvement.Doctoral Dissertationto Univ.of Missouri.1976.214p. 1976 Worthington,J.S.
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The Value Added Statement.A review of its use in Corporate Reports.London.Gee.1978.150p. 1978 Morley,M.F.
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Die deutschen Aktiengesellschaften.Bilanzanalysen seit 1948.Hannover.1965.331s. 1965 Berndsen,R.
Zielkonflikte und Zielkompromisse im unternehmerischenEntscheidungsprozess.Weisbaden,1967.206s. 1967 Bidlingmaier,J.
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Expertensysteme.Anwendungen und Auswirkungen im Produktionsbetrieb.Muenchen.1990.313s. 1990 Bullinger,H.-J.,u.Kornwachs
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Lebenslauf,Arbeitsmarkt und sozialpolitik.1990.267s. 1990 Dressel,Werner,Heinz,Peters,u.Schober(HRSG.)
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Technik des betrieblichen Rechnungswesens.1988.892s. 1988 Eisele,W.
Buchfuehrung und Bilanz.Bonn,1989.942s. 1989 Falterbaum,H.,Beckmann
Die operative Buchfuehrung.Berlin,1953.c300s 1953 Gellrich,Walter
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Die Organisation der Wirtschaftlichen Rechnungsfuehrung innerhalb des Betriebes.Berlin,1953.117s. 1953 Kantor,L.M.
Kurzfristige Erfolgsrechung.Wiesbaden,1962.118p. 1962 Kilger,W.
Beitriebliches Rechnungswesen 1(=Buchfuehrung und Bilanzen)Heidelberg,1989.354s. 1989 Koch,J.
Betrieb und Unternehhmung in Historischer Sicht. Universitaetsverlag. 1974.275s. 1974 Koestler,H.
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Financial Accounting.Prentice.1985.428p. 1985 Arnold,J.,Hope,T.andSouthworth,A.
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Fundamentals of Accounting.N.Y.,Wiley.1951.367p. 1951 Wade,H.H.
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International Standards of Accounting and Reporting for Transnaitonal Corporations.New York,1977.79p. 1977 United Nations
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AN ACCOUNTING RESEARCH STUDY..5:A Critical Study of Accounting For Business Combinations.1963.146p.By R.Wyatt. 1963 AICPA
AN ACCOUNTING RESEARCH STUDY. 9・Interperiod Allocation of Corporate Income Taxes.123 p.By H.A.Black.1966. 1966 AICPA
AN ACCOUNTING RESEARCH STUDY.. 10:Accounting for Goodwill.180p.By Catlett,and Olson.1968. 1968 AICPA
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Disclosure of Replacement Cost Data-Illustrations and Analysis.1977.123p. 1977 Arthur Andersen & Co.
Interpretations of Statement of FASB No.13.73p. 1979 Arthur Andersen & Co.
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NEW TOWNS(SCOTLAND)ACT 1968.Reports of the Cumbernauld.East Kilbride and Stonehouse,Glenrothes,Irvine and Livingson Development Corporations.1977.Edinburugh.176p. 1977 HMSO
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Europian Financial Reporting.FRANCE.Scheid and Walton.1992.357p. 1992 ICAEW
Europian Financial Reporting.GERMANY.Ordelheide and Pfaff.1994.314p. 1994 ICAEW
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Europian Financial Reporting.IRELAND.Brennan,N.,O'Brien and Pierce.A.1992.235p 1992 ICAEW
Europian Financial Reporting.ITARY.Riccaboni,A.and Ghirri,R.1994.272p. 1994 ICAEW
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Europian Financial Reporting.PORTUGAL.Ferreira,L.F.1994.295p. 1994 ICAEW
Europian Financial Reporting.SPAIN.Gonzalo,J.A.and Gallizo J.L.1992.256p. 1992 ICAEW
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The Securities and Exchange Commission.New York.Arno.1978.1978.353p. 1978 Lamden,C.W.
The Meanninghul Interpretation of Financial Statements.A.M.A.1966.238p. 1966 Miller,D.E.
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Modern Production Control.London.Pitman.1951.185p. 1951 Willsmore,A.W.
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Statistical Techniques for Analytical Review in Auditing.New york.Wiley.1986.301p. 1986 Stringer,K.W.,and Stewart
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Project Auditing Methodology.Noth-Holland.1980.454p. 1980 Turner,W.S.
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Capital Taxation.London.Harvard.1983.490p. 1983 Feldstein,M.
Comparative Tax Jurisprudence.NewYork.NYU.1993.274p. 1993 Iizuka,T.
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Problemes humains du machinisme industriel.Gallimard,1946.426p. 1946 Friedmann,G.
Principals and Agents: The Structure of Business.Harvard,1984.241p. 1984 Pratt,J.W.,and R.J.Zeckhauser(ed)
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A survey of Accounting.New York,,1988.712p. 1988 Huefner,R.J.,and Derstine
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AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.3:Illustrations of Reporting the Results ofOperations.A survey of reporting under APB Opin.No.30 by Goodman.'74.101p 1974 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.5:Illustrations of the Statement of Changes in Finansial Position. A survey of repor. under APB Opin.No.19 by Goodman.'74.118p 1974 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEYNo.4:Illustrations of Interperiod Tax Allocation. A survey of App-lications of APB Opinions Nos.11,23,24,25 and SEC Release No.149.By Goodman,Lorensen.1974.132p. 1974 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEYNo.5:Illustrations of the Statement of Changes in Financial Position.A surrvey of reporting under APB Opinions Nos.19. By Goodman,Lorensen.1974.118p. 1974 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.7:Illustrations of Departures from the Auditor's Standard Report. A survey of the application of Statement on Auditing Standards no.2.By Goodman,Lorensen.1975.126p. 1975 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.8:Illustraions of the Disclosure of Related Party Transactions.By Lorensen.1975.62p. 1975 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.9:Illustraions of theDisclosure of Subsequent Events.A Survy of the application of Section 560 of Statement on Auditing Standards.No.1.By Goodman,and Lorensen.1976.78p. 1976 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.11:Illustrations of the Disclosure of  Pro Forma Caluculations.A survey of the application of certatin sections of APB Opinion Nos.15,16,and 20,and SAS No.1.By Goodman,and Lorensen.1976.100p. 1976 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.12:Illustrations of Accounting for Marketable Equity Securities.A survey of the applicationof FASB Statement No.12.By Goodman,and Lorensen.1977.105p. 1977 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.13:Illustrations of the Disclosure of Unaudited Financial Information in Audited Financial Statements.By Goodman,and Lorensen.1977.120p. 1977 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.14:Illustrations of Accounting for Employee Benefits.1977.122p. 1977 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.15:Updated Illustrations of Accounting Policy Disclosure.A survey of applications of APB Opinion No.22.By Goodman,Lorensen.1978. 1978 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.16:Illustrations of accounting for Leases.A survey of the appli- cation of FASB Statement No.13.By Goodman,Lorensen.1978.182p. 1978 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.17:Illustrations of Accounting for Debt UnderFour Pronouncements.A survey of the application of APB Opinion No.26,and FASB Sta- tementNo.4,6,and 15.1978.196p. 1978 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.18:Illustrations of Auditor's Reports on Comparative Financial Statements. A survey of the application of SAS No.15.By Goodman,and Lorensen.1979.130p. 1979 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.22:Illustrations and Analysis of Disclosures of Pension Information.A survey of the application of the requirements of FASB Statement No.36,and amendment of APB Opinion No.8.By Goodman and others.1981.258p. 1981 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.26:Updated Illustrations of Management'sDiscussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.A survey of the application of recently amended Rules 14a-3,14c-3 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 in annual reports to shareholders.By Goodman,Lorensen.1983.85p. 1983 AICPA
AICPA FINANCIAL REPORT SURVEY No.27:Illustrations of Accounting and Reporting by Development Stage Enterprises.A survey of the application of FASB Statement No.7 By Goodman,Lorensen.l984.141p. 1984 AICPA
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Balance Sheets and the Lending Banker.London,Europa.1954.271p. 1954 Clemens,J.H.
Workshop Costs and Costing.London,Chapman,1953.295p. 1953 Houghton,P.S.
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Cutforth's Audits.London,Gee.1951.10th ed.324p. 1951 Palmer,A.,and Crawford
Kredit- wuerdigkeitspruefung und kreditgutachten.Berlin,1949.104p. 1949 Berger,K.
Kostenrechnung und Betriebsabrechnung.Berlun.1952.216s. 1952 Brandenburg,W.
Fusion von Aktiengesellschaften.Stuttgart.1928.126s. 1928 Fix,Ernst
Business Reengineering;die radikalkur fuer dasa unternehmen.Frankfurt.1995.288s. 1995 Hammer,M.,u.Champy
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Leistungsmessung durch Wertschoepfungsrechnung.Girardet.1954.107p. 1954 Lebmann,R.M.
Bilanzanayse.1977.2 Aufl.224s. 1977 Leffson,Ulrich
Bilanzanayse.1984.3 Aufl.214s. 1984 Leffson,Ulrich
Industriekalkulation.1951.335s. 1951 Lehmann,M.R.
Die Buchfuehrung in der Industie.Berlin,1956.394s. 1956 Stschenkow,S.A.
Deckungsbeitrags management.Vahlen.1991.513s. 1991 Witt,F.-J.
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Fundamentals of Financial Accounting.New York.Irwin.1974.625p. 1974 Welsh,G.A.,and Anthony
1983.1/6-7.Conference Record:Research on Financial Reporting and Changing Prices.178p. 1983 FASB
Inflation Accounting.(written in Germany)Zuerich.1983.342p. 1983 Fickert,R.
Accounting for Changing Prices.Replacement Cost and General Price Level Adjustments.SB,1976.303p. 1976 Largay,J.A.,J.L.Livingstone
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Farming Records and Accounts.London,1925.132p. 1925 SPICER & SPEGLER
Retail Merchandise Accounting.New York,Ronald.1956. 473p. 1956 Bell,H.F.
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Alternative Educational Programs for Entry into the Public Accounting Profession:An Analysis. (Doctoral Dissertation) 1985 Siegel, Philip Harris
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A Comparative Study of Audit Quality among the Big Eight Accounting Firms. (Doctoral Dissertation) 1990 Carcello, Joseph Vincent
An Empirical Analysis of Continuting Professional Education for Certified Public Accountants Employed in Non-Public Occupations. (Doctoral Dissertation) 1991 Sallee, Larry
A Comparison of the Evolution of Accounting Institutions in Germany and the United States. (Doctoral Dissertation) 1991 Harston, Mary Elizabeth
Recruiting Decisions by Selected Big Six CPA Firms : An Investigation of Characteristics That Influence Decisions to Select Accounting. (Doctoral Dissertation) 1991 Deutsch, Robert Allen
An Investigation into the Effect of Selected Audit Committee Characteristics on Fraudulent Financial Reporting. (Doctoral Dissertation) 1993 Cobb, Laurel Gordon
The Expectations GAP : Understanding Auditors' Efforts to Detect Fraud. (Doctoral Dissertation) 1994 Caplan, Dennis Howard
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Contributions of Four Accounting Pioneers. Kohler,Littleton,May,Paton. Reprint ed. Tokyo,Yushodo.1967.238p. 1967 Edwards,J.D., R.F.Solmonson
Unternehmensfuhrung,Wiesbaden,Gabker,1962,176p. 1962 Gutenberg,E.
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Finanzwirtschaftliche Bilanz. Wiesbaden.1966.101p. 1966 Walb,E.
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Contemporary Issues in ACCOUNTING RESEARCH. 1991 Bhabatosh Banerjee
Developments in Cost Accounting. 1955 The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
A Dictionary for Accountants. 1975 Kohler,Eric
Prosperity and Depression.Geneva,League of Nations.1939.473p (Scribed by a famous Japanese Business Scholar) 1939 Haberler,G.v.
HARVARD BUSINESS REPORT.VOL.1 1925.561p.(141works on business cases) Inportant materials in the era of  between the World Wars  1925 HARVARD BUSINESS REPORT.
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Modern Retail Methods Records and Accounting. New York,U.S.Corporation Co.,1925.522p. 1925 Comstock,L.M.
Fundamentals of Accounting.New York,Longmans,1947. 1947 Lamberton,R.A.
Information Economics and Accounting Research.A Workshop Conducted by Joel S.Demski.Michigan.1980.225p. 1980 Lobo,Gerald,and Maher(ed.)
Specialized Accounting.New York.Pace.1925.475p. 1925 Newlove,G.H., and Pratt
Accounting Principles.New York,Harper,1984.2nd ed.c1100p. 1984 Solomon,L.N.,Vargo,Walther
Econopmic Accounting and Development Planning. Oxford Univ.Press.1969.366p. 1969 Van Arkadie,B.,and Frank Jr.
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First in North America,100 years in the Life of The ORDRE DES COMPTABLES AGREES DU QUEBEC.1980.100 limited publ.251p. 1980 Collard,E.A.
WILLIAM W.WERNTZ,His Accounting Thought. New York,AICPA,1968.638p. 1968 Thrueblood,R.M.,and Sorter
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Accounntants'Handbuook.2 vols.Ronald.1981. 1981 Seidler,L,J,and,Carmichael
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Executorship Law and Accounts.London,Pitman,1933.383p. 1933 Ranking,H.,Spicer,and Pegler
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Die Abschreibung vom Standpunkt der Unternehmung insbesondere ihre Bedeutung als Kostenfaktor. Berlin, Industrieverlag, 1925. 345s. 1925 Grossmann,H.
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Bilanzen der privaten und oeffentlichen Unternehmungen, 3. Aufl., 2 Bde. Neudruck der Ausgabe Leipzig/Berlin 1921/1923.1981. 1981 Passow, R.
DIE UNTERNEHMUNG.I-III(1956)Koeln.3 Aufl. 1956 Schaeffer,E.
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Die Statistik im Fabrik-und Warenhandelsbetrieb.1921.268s.Leipzig 1921 Calmes,A.
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Selbstverwaltung der Wirtschaft in den Industrie- und Handelskammern.Dritte Aufl.Jena.1927.168s. 1927 Most,Otto
Grundsaetze und Gemeinschafts- Richtlinien fuer das Rechnungswesen.Ausgabe Handel.1951.324s. 1951 Ziegler,Franz
Eric Louis Kohler Accounting’s Man of Principles 1979 Cooper,W.W. and Yuji Ijiri.
Accounting Evaluation and Economic Behavior. Englewood,1966.388p. 1966 Chambers,R.J.
AIA Accounting Research Bulletin.Nos.1-51(1939-1959).// ※1-42=Restatement and revisioned as Accounting Research Bulletins.No.43+No.44-51(included as Xeroxed ed) AIA
The Principles of Scientific Management. 1915 TAYLOR,F.W.
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The Accounting Franmework. A Contemporary Emphasis. 1979 Ma,R., and Mathews,R.
KOHLER`S DICTIONARY FOR ACCOUNTANTS.6th Edition. 1983 Cooper,W.W.,and Yuji Ijiri.
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ADVANCED ACCOUNTING.Sixth Edition. 1991 Griffin,C.H.,Williams,T.H.,Boatsman,J.R.,and Vickrey,D.W.
The Principles of Scientific Management. 1923 Taylor,Frederick Winslow
Stabilized Accounting. 1936 Henry Whitcomb Sweeney
Accounting, Evaluation and Economic Behavior. 1966 Chambers, Raymond J.
Trends in Managerial and Financial Accounting. 1978 van Dam, Cees
Financial Policy and Management Accounting. 1990 Banerjee, Bhabatosh
Les livres des comptes des Gallerani,Ouvrage Revu,mis au point,Compl t et publi par Amand Grunzweig.(TomeI-II).Acad mie Royale de Belgique,Commission Royale dHistoire,1961.1962.269+354p. 1962 Bigwood,G. et A.Grunzweig
American Mine Accounting.New York,McGraw,1913.367p. 1913 Charlton,W.H
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Chain Stores in America,1859-1959.New York,1959.401p. 1959 Lebhar,G.M.
The Distribution of Ownership.New York,Clombia Univ.,1907.217p. 1907 Underwood,J.H.
Antitrust Policies.American Experience in 2vols.560p. 1958 Whitney,S.N.
Corporation Procedure.Law, Finance,Accounting. New York Ronald,1922.1689p. 1922 Conyngton,T.,Bennett,and Pinkerton
Accounting.Practice and Procedure.New York,Ronald.1919.309p. 1919 Dickinson,A.L.
Principles of Accounting.3 vols.complete.4th ed.1952. 1952 Finney,H.A.,and Miller
Valuing a Company.New York,Ronald,1971.521p. 1971 McCarty,W.J.,& Healy
The Fundamentals of Accounting.New York,1956.742p. 1956 Mackenzie,D.H.
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Analytical Credits.Indianapolis,Robbs,1921.258p. 1921 Wall,Alexander
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Principles and Practice of Book-Keeping and Accounts.St.Albans,Donnington Press,(1929).618p. 1929 Vickery,B.G.
Contemporary Accounting Thought.Prentice.1984.346p. 1984 Gaffikin,M.J.
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The Accounting Mission. Melbourne.1951.89p. 1951 Bray,Frank Sewell
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Current Accounting Trends.Sydney.1952.Reprint ed.1978.315p. 1978 Fitzgerald,A.A.
Plankostenrechung.1956.353s. 1956 Kosiol,E.
Anlagenrechnung.Theorie und Praxis der Abschreibungen.Weisbaden,1955.427s. 1955 Kosiol,E.
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Dynamic Accounting.Trans.by Murrphy,and Most. London,Gee.1959. 1959 Schmalenbach,Eugen
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UK Committee to Review the Functioning of Financial Institutions(=Wilson Report).1980.2 vols. Total 616p. 1980 HMSO
Value Added-a fundamental concept in corporate management.1979.c250p. 1979 University of Bradford Management Centre
CICA,Research Monograph.No.7:Modern Accounting Research:history,Survey and Guide.By Mattessich.1984.487p. 1984 CICA
Company Accounts.London,Pitman.1925.420p. 1925 Coles,A.
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Cost Accounting Applied to Agriculture.London,Oxford.1927.182p. 1927 King,J.S.
Studies in Costing.London,S&M.1952.643p. 1952 Solomons,David
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Handwoerterbuch der Betriebswirtsschaft.4 Bde.Poeschel.1984.c1500s x 2 Bde. 1984 Grochla,E., Wittmann(Hrsg.)
Einfuehrung in die Doppelte Buchhaltung.Zuerich.1936.243s. 1936 Kamer,Adolf
Festschrift fuer Erich Gutenberg zum 85.Geburtstag.Neuere Entwicklungen in der Unternehmennstheorie.Gabler.1982. 1982 Koch,H.
Handbuch der Rechnungslegung.1989.2115s. 1989 Kueting,K.,Weber
Repetitorium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre.5 Aufl.1975.967s. 1975 Loeffelholz, J.
Unternehmenspolitik.Bd.1-2(1963)c1000p. 1963 Mellerowicz,K.
Der Betriebs- Abrechnungsbogen.Stuttgart,1952.216p. 1952 Norden,Helmut
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Betriebsanalyse.Stuttgart.1929.243s. 1929 Schmaltz,K.
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Finanz-wirtschaftliche Bilanz.3 Aufl.Wiesbaden.1966.101s. 1966 Walb,E.
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Effects of Mergers.Six Studies.London.Allen.1958.458p. 1958 Cook,P.L.
Foreign Exchange Accounting.New York,Prentice.1926.406p. 1926 Djoerup,Christian
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Union Policies and Industrial Management,Washingotn, 1941.Brookings Inst.1941.597p. 1941 Slichter,S.H.
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Company Law.London,Pitman.1929.372p. 1929 Ranking,D.F.,and Spicer
Studies in Accounting Theory. 1970 Baxter,W.T.,and Davidson,S.(ed.)
Stabilized Accounting. 1964 Henry W. Sweeney
Studies in Cost Analysis. (初版STUDIES IN COSTINGとして刊行された書の二版) 1968 Solomons,D.
Principles of Accounting.Advanced.Tokyo,Tuttle.1961.(Modern Asia ed.) 5th ed. 834p. 1961 Finney,H.A.,and Miller
Rowe's Bookkeeping and Accountancy.Baltimore,1921.264p. 1921 Rowe,H.M.
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Charles Ezra Sprague.(The Development of contemporary accounting thought) 1978 Mann, .H.S.
Practical Accounting and Auditing Problems.AICPA,1966. 1966 Ingalls,Edmund F.
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Problems in Accounting Principles.Chicago,Shaw,1929. 1929 Walker,R.G.
The Structure of Accounting Theory. Gainesville.Univ.of Florida.1976.319p. 1976 Yu,S.C.
The Technique and Principles of Auditing.London,Pitman.1938.351p. 1938 Binnie,Andrew, Hanning
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Key to Accountancy.London,Isaac Pitman,1934. 1934 Pickles,William
Business and Budgetary Control.London,Pitman.1932.229p. 1930 Willsmore,A.W.
Die Praxis der Bilanzierung in der Goldmarkeroeffungsbilaz.Mannheim.1927.244s. 1927 Boppel,R.
Die Fabrikbuchhaltung.Leipzig,Gloeckner,1922.357s. 1922 Calmes,Albert
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Die Kontrolle in gewerbichen Unternehmungen.Berlin.1921.226s. 1921 Grull,Werner
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Bilanztechnik und Bilanzkritik.Achte Aufl.1929.481s. 1929 Leitner, Friedrich
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Financial Aspects of Industrial Management.Butterworth&Co.1955.530p. 1955 Bond,G.D.
Acconting Measurements for Financial Reports.Homewood.Irwin.1971.396p. 1971 Vatter,W.J.
Literary Remains,consisting of Lectures and Tracts on Political Economy of the R.Jones.Ed.Whewell.London,1859.1st ed. 1859 Jones,Richard
National Stabilization.1848.1010p. 1848 US,Congress,Senate,Committee on Banking and Currency
Cost Accounting.New York,Ronald,1919. 1st ed.576p. 1919 Nicholson,J.L.,and Rohrbach
The Authomobile Industry.Its Economic and Commercial Development. Chicago,1928.412p. 1928 Epstein,R.C.
Manufacturing Costs and Accounts.London.McGraw.1917.452p. 1917 Church,A.H.
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Handbook of Executorship law and Accounts.London,Lynch.1915.312p. 1915 Ranking,D.F.,Spicer,and Pegler
The Companies Act,1929.With an Index to its provisions speciallycomplied.London,Eyre.1929.c300p. 1929 Stugess,H.A.C.
Revenue Act of 1963.6 vols.c3000p. 1963 U.S.Congress,Semnate,Hearing
The Structure of Accounting Theory. 1978 Yu,S.C.
Examination Questions in Book-Keeing.London,Blade,1906.130p. 1906 Harlow,E.
Business Book-keeping.London,Pitman.1929.376p. 1929 Routley,J.
Wright's Business Methods.Reprint ed.Original publ.in1892.New York,203p. 1892 Wright,P.A.
LA DEPOSITERIA DEL CONCILIO DI TRENTO Ⅰ Il registro di Antonio Manelli 1545-1549.Roma,1970.435p. 1970 Barletta,E..A
Development of Accounting Thought. New York,Holt,1965.184p. 1965 Deinzer,H.T.
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De Engelsche Vertaling van Jan Impyn's Nieuwe Instructie.Reprint ed.1977.58p. 1977 De Waal,P.G.A.
History and Survey of Accountancy.Reprint.1974.288p. 1974 Green,W.L.
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Twenty-Five Years of Accounting Responsibility.1911-1936. Scholar Reprint ed.1971. 1971 May,G.O.
Essentials of Accounting. 3rd ed. N.Y.,Macmillan.1958.800p. 1958 Paton,W.A.,and Dixon,R.L.
Goldmarkbilanz Berlin,osaka.2Aufl.1974.56s. 1974 Schmalenbach,Eugen
Fundamentals of Bookkeeping and Accounting.N.Y.,1928.228p. 1928 Filfus,N., Robinson
1939 Kohler,E.L.
Advanced Accounting Problems.New York,Prentice,1950.2nd ed.3rd printing. 300p. 1950 Kohler,E.L.
Accounting for Management.Englewood,Prentice,1965.275p. 1965 Kohler,E.L.
Twenty-Five Years of Accounting Responsibility.1911-1936. 2 vols.Reprint ed.1971. 1971 May,G.O.
The Theory and Measurement of Business Income. Berkeley.California. 1967.323p. 1967 Edwards,O.E.and Bell,W.P.
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A Bibliography of Cost Accounting Its Origins and Development to 1914 PartⅠ・Ⅱ 1978 WELLS,M.C.
Die Unternehmung als Gegenstand betriebswirtschaftlicher Theorie. 1967 Gutenberg,E.
Theory of the Measurement of Enterprise Income. 1970 STERLING.R.R.
Readings in Accounting Theory. 1966 GARNER,P. ,and BERG,K.B.
Ethics in Business and Economics Volume Ⅰ・Ⅱ 1997 Donaldson,T., and Dunfee,T.W.
Problems in Accounting. 1915 David Friday
Debits,Credits,Finance and Profits.London,S.& M.,163p. 1974 Edey,H., B.S.Yamey
SEC Form 10-K.A Guide to Financial Reporting. 1979 Beresford他編
The Sale of Goods Act,1893 Including The Factors Acts,1889 &1890.London,Butterworth,1924. 1924 Chalmers,M.D.
Essays and Lectures.2 vols.1972.1979. 19721979 Myrdal,Gunnar
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The Canadian Accountant.Belleville,Ontario,1921.419p. 1921 Johnson,J.W.
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Accounting Research Convocation.1975-1977.3 vols.Edited by Davies and Previts. 1977 Univ.of Alabama
Principles of Bank Book-keeping.London,pitman,1934.158p. 1934 Hodder,H.G.
The ABC of Accounting.Princeton,Princeton.1929.302p. 1929 Howard, S.E.
Fifth Quarter-Century.Some Chapters in the History of the Chartered Accountants of Scotland.Edinburgh.1980.101p. 1980 McDougall,E.H.V.
Raising the Standard.A History of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Monitoba,1886-1986.164p. 1886-1986 Neville,W.A.
Managemnt Accounting for Multinational Corporations.New York,1974.2 vols.383+317p. 1974 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ACCOUNTANTS
MANAGEMENT SERVICES BY CPAs.Nos.1-8(1959-63) 1959-63 AICPA
The Principles of Auditing.London,no date.4th ed? 207p. N.D. de Paula,F.R.M.
Solutions for Advanced Accounting Problems.New York, Prentice-Hall,1947.2nd ed.589p. 1947 Kohler,E.L.
Financial Accounting. Tokyo.Macmillan. 昭29 May,G.O.
Financial Handbook.New York,Ronald,1st ed.1927.. 1927 Montgomery,R.H.
Financial Handbook.New York,Ronald,2nd ed.1937.. 1937 Montgomery,R.H.
FESTSCHRIFT von Erich Gutenberg.Die Wirtschaftspruefung.Wiesbaden,1991.Keip Reprint.98s. 1991 Schmalenbach,Eugen
Die Beteligungs Finanzerung.Koeln,1949.181s. 1949 Schmalenbach,Eugen
Kapital Kredit und ZinsWestdeutscher.Koeln.4Aufl.1961.257p. 1961 Schmalenbach,Eugen
Finanzierungen Osaka.3Aufl.1974.352p.復刻版 1974 Schmalenbach,Eugen
Finanzierungen Osaka.4Aufl.1928.420p.復刻版「会社金融論原本」 1928 Schmalenbach,Eugen
UK Parliament,Financial Secretary to the Treasury,Committee on Finance & Industry Report(=Macmillan Report).1931.322p.Reprint ed. 1931 HMSO
Accounting.London,Gee.1967(6th ed)with1974(8th ed) 2 books set. 1967-1974 Magee,B.
Handwoerterbuch des Rechnungswesens. 3.Aufl.Poeschel.1993.2371s. 1993 Chmielewicz,K.et al(Hrsg.)
Das Budget.Bd.I=II(1951).Tuebingen.586+491s. 1951 Heinig,Kurt
Volkswirtschaftslehre.Leipzig.1926.442s. 1926 Jentisch,C.
Fabrikorganisation, Fabrikbuchfuehrung und Selbstkostenberechnung der Firma Ludw. Loewe & Co. Actiengesellschaft, 2. Aufl. Berlin 1914.245s. 1914 Lilienthal, J.
Die Kaufmannische Bilanz und der Steuerbare Gewerbeertrag.Sechste Aufl.Berlin.1921.370s. 1921 Maass,K.
Festschrift fuer Hans Munstermann. Betriebswirtschatliche Information, Entscheing und Kontrolle. Hrsg.v.W.B.v.Colbe, u. Sieben.Wiesbaden, Gabler, 1969.499s. 1969 (Muenstermann, Hans)
Festschrift fuer Rudolf Seyffert zum 75 Geburtstag. Hrsg.v.Jisuik u. Sundhoff.Betriebswirtschaft und Marktpolitik.Koeln.Westdeutscher, 1968. 534s. 1968 (Seyffert, R.)
Wirtschaftskunde des Versicherungswesens.Stuttgart.1938./Quellenbuch zur Wirtschaftskunde des Versicherungsesens.Stluttgart.1938.2 Bde.in 1. 1938 Wagenfuehr,Horst
The Growth of Chicago Banks.2 vols.(1816-1896,1897-1938) ByJ.F.Cyril.New York,1938.Total 1467p. 1938 CHICAGO BANK
Cost Accounting;theory and practice.New York,Ronald, 1916.341p. 1916 Nicholson,J.L.
Consolidation of International Air Carriers(Chosen Instrument). 1947.821p.with many charts,and maps. 1947 US,Congress,Senate,Hearing
MEMBERS' HANDBOOK CONSTITUTIONAL LEGAL ETHICAL.England.1980.c1200p.Total 3 vols. 1980 The Institute of Chartered Accountants
Financial Accounting. A Distillation of Experience 昭39 May,G.O.
The Role of Accounting in the Economic Development of England:1500-1750 1972 WINJUM,J.O
(洋学堂書出版)本邦明治簿記学を創った原書シリーズ「単式複式簿記法」著者 W.イングリス価格 22,000円内容 百部限定 BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE AND DOUBLE TRY,WITH AN APPENDIX CONTAINING EXPLANATION CONTAINING EXPLANATION OF MERCANTILE TERMS AND TRANSACTIONS IN BOOK-KEEPING,&c.By W.Inglis.London,and Edinburgh.Published W.R.Chambers. 加藤斌訳「商家必要(初編・二編)」他の底本となった名著。明治初期 この原本もイギリスから数多く輸入された。当時本書は著者のイングリスの名前より出版社のチェンバース社の名前をもじった チャンブルス簿記書 の名で親しまれた。学術的には、固定資産減価償却について、世界的に最も早い時期に提唱した書として特筆される。 (原書1881年版)平成11年復刻 W.Inglis.London,and Edinburgh.Published W.R.Chambers
The History of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales & its founder bodies.1870-1965.London,Heineman.1966.269p. 1966 The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Readings on Accounting Development.Arno.1978.206p. 1978 Garner,S.P.,and Hughes
Readings in Accounting Theory.Boston,Houghton,1966.520p. 1966 Garner,P., K.B.Berg
Die Bilanz der preussischen Staatseisenbahnen.Stuttgart.1916.119s. 1916 Passow,Richard
The Financial Policy of Corporations.New York,Ronald, 1922.1st ed.c800p. 1922 Dewing,A.S.
The Financial Policy of Corporations.New York,Ronald,1926.3rd ed.1281p. 1926 Dewing,A.S.
The Financial Policy of Corporations.2 vols.New York,Ronald,1946.Total 1550p. 1946 Dewing,A.S.
The Financial Policy of Corporations.2 vols.New York,Ronald,1953.Total 1538p. 1953 Dewing,A.S.
The Financial Policy of Corporations.5 vols.New York,Ronald,1920.Total 953p. 1920 Dewing,A.S.
(洋学堂書出版)本邦明治簿記学を創った原書シリーズ「会計の論理」著者 フォルソム価格 24,000円内容 森嶋「簿記学例題」、図師「簿記法原理」他原本 百部限定 FOLSOMS LOGICAL BOOKKEEPING;THE LOGIC OF ACCOUNTS,A NEW EXPOSITION OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE DOUBLE-ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING BASED IN VALUE,AS BEING OF TWO PRIMARY CLASSES. By E.G.Folsom.New York,and Chicago.A.S.Barnes and Co.1873.443p. (原書1873年版)平成7年復刻 E.G.Folsom.New York,and Chicago.A.S.Barnes and Co
Extension of the Boundaries of Accounting Theory. Cincinati.1963.213p. 1963 Prince,Thomas R.
The Role of Accounting in the Economic Development of England:1500-1750 1972 WINJUM,J.O
Extension of the Boundaries of Accounting Theory. 1963 Thomas R. Prince
Histoire Critique de la Theorie des Comptes.Geneve, 1929.Reprint ed.1975. 1975 Gomberg,L.
Dynamische Bilanz, 13. Aufl. Leipzig 1963. Westdeutscher. 1963 Schmalenbach, E.
A HISTORY OF ACCOUNTING IN AMERICA. An Hisotorical Interpretation of the Cultural Significance of Accounting. 1979 Previts, G.J., and Barbara Dubis Merino
Financial Disclosure in a Competitive Ecopnomy. 1978 Mautz,R.K.,and MAY,G.W.
Corporate Promotions and Reorganizations. 1920 Dewing, Arthur S.
A HISTORY OF ACCOUNTING IN AMERICA. An Hisotorical Interpretation of the Cultural Significance of Accounting. 1979 Previts, G.J., and Barbara Dubis Merino
History of The Socity of Incorporated Accountants,1885-1957.Oxford.1961.360p. 1961 Garrett,A.A.
Evolution of Cost Accounting to 1925. 1954 Garner,Paul
A History of Accounting and Accountants. Reprint ed.459p. 1968 Brown,R.
The American Institute of Accountants. Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration. 1937 AIA(The American Institute of Accountants)
Financial Statements. 1980 Daniels,M.B.
ACCOUNTING EVOLUTION TO 1900 1933 Littleton,A.C.
The Aeronautical and space Industries of the Community Compared with those of the UK and US. Studies no.1-5(1971) 1971 European Communities,Commission
Institute for Research in Biography:BUSINESS EXECTIVES AND CORPORATION 1944.NY,1944.2444p.(Short biographical sketches of thoudands of major business executives) 1944 Institute for Research in Biography
The Principles of Scientific Management.Harper.1911.1 st ed.144p. 1911 Taylor,Frederick Winslow
Shop Management.Harper.1911.207p. 1911 Taylor,Frederick Winslow
ECONOMICS OF ACCOUNTING PRACTICE.BULLETIN.Nos.1-13(1957-60) (1.Incomes of Practicing CPA. 2.Small Business Looks at the CPA. 3.The Difficult Art of Setting Fees. 4.Getting and Keeping Good Staff Accountants. 5.Controls for the Effective Use of Time. 6. Building sound Relations with your Client. 7.Selection and Admission of New Partners. 8.Survey of Accounting Office Expenses. 9.Bankers' Attitudes toward the CPA. 10.Insurance for Accounting Firms and Practitioners. 11.Billing and Collection Procedures. 12.Selected Tax Problems of Accounting Partnerships.13.Planning a Practice for Growth.) 1957-1960 AICPA
A Treatise on Bookkeeping and Business Forms.Prepared for...Vol.II:Single&Double-Entry Bookkeeping etc.Scraton,1899.c300p. 1899 THE COLLIERY ENGINEER CO
Rational Book-keeping for Comercial Student.London,Gregg,1927.320p. 1927 McKechnie,J.
History of Public Acconting in the United States.MSU.1960.368p. 1960 Edwards,J. D.
Die Buchhaltungs-Systeme und Buchhaltungs-Formen: Ein Lehrbuch der Buchhaltung. Mit ueber hundert Formularen und zwei Holzschnitten. Neudruck der Ausgabe Bern 1887. Reprin1977.680p. 1977 Huegli, Franz
The History of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales & its founder bodies.1870-1965.London,Heineman.1966.269p. 1966 The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Historical Development and Operational Form of Corporate Reporting Regulation in Japan (Accounting thought and practice through the years) New York. Garland. 1986. 1986 McKinnon,J.L.
AIA Case Studies in Auditing Procedure.Nos.1-14(1947-1962) from no.13:published by AICPA 1947-1962 AIA
Design of Accounts.London,Oxford. 3rd ed.1949. 1949 Bray,Frank Sewell
The Measurement of Profit.London,Oxford.1953.80p. 1953 Bray,Frank Sewell
Accounts:Their Construction and interpretation for Business Men and Students of Affaires. Revised and Enlarged ed. Boston,Mifflin.1915.445p. 1915 Cole,W.M.
ABC of Bookkeeping.London,Longman,1908.178p. 1908 Dicksee,L.R.
Accounting:Its principles and Problems. New York.Appleton.1927.548p.1971.Reprint ed. 1927 Hatfield,H.R.
Auditing.New York,1954.2nd ed.626p. 1954 Kohler,E.L.
ACCOUNTING THEORYLawrence,,Scholars,1973,508p.Reprint ed. 1973 Paton,W.A.
Practice Administration Booklet.No.1-15(1966-1974) lack:3,7-9,12 1966-1974 ICAEW
Lehrbuch des Steuerrechts in zwei selbstaendigne Baenden.2 Bde.Berlin.1927. 1927 Buehler,O.
Genueser Finanzwesen vom 12 bis 14 Jahrhundert.Freiburg.Mohr.219s.1898. 1898 Sieveking,H.
La comptabilite Industrielle.Paris, Payot, 1922.318p. 1922 Calmes, A.
AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION,FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERIES. 103:A Program of Financial Planning and Controls.1953.55p. 104:Guides to Modern Financial Planning.1953.46p. 1953 AMA
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.3=Reporting Accounting Changes in Interim Financial Statements(Public record no.1974-Volume XII)192p. 1974 FASB Public Record
The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States.1859-1964.2 vols.By R.C.Buley.2475p. 1964 THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY
Palgrave's Dictionary of Political Economy.Ed.byH.Higgs.New York,Kelley,1963.3vols.c3000p. 1963 PALGRAVE
Factory Accounts.Their Principles and Practice. A Handbook for Accountants and Manufacturers.London,Grosby,1902.248p. 1902 Garcke,E.,and Fells
Company Law.A Practical Handbook for Lawyers and Business Men.With an Appendix containing the Companies(Consolidation)Act 1908;Companies Act 1913,and other Acts and Rules.10th ed.by A.F.Topham.London,Stevens.1916.c700p. 1916 Palmer,F.B.
English Taxation,1640-1799.London.Chass.1964.199p. 1964 Kennedy,W.
The merican Associatiaon of Public Accountants 1886-1906..(The Development of contemporary accounting thought) 1978 Webster, Norman E.
Significant Accounting Essays.Prentice.1965.529p. 1965 Moonitz,Maurice,and Littleton(ed.)
A History of Accounting and Accountants. Reprint ed.459p. 1968 Brown,R.
History of The Socity of Incorporated Accountants,1885-1957.Oxford.1961.360p. 1961 Garrett,A.A.
Accounting Lectutres.At the University of Edingurgh..101p. N.D. Bedford,N.M.
Income Determaination Theory;an accounting framework. Reading,Wesley.1965.241p. 1965 Bedford,N.M.
Debits,Credits,Finance and Profits.London,S.& M.,163p. 1974 Edey,H., B.S.Yamey
Buchhaltung und Bilanz.Reprint.of 1922ed.1981.496p. 1981 Schaer,Johann Briedrich
INCOME DETERMINATION THEORY:An accounting framework. 1965 Bedford,N.M.
ACCOUNTING TRENDS & TECHNIQUES(Accounting Trends and Techniques) 1973・1975 二冊 1973・1975 AICPA
Dynamic Administration. The Collected Papers of Mary Parker Follet. 1940 Follett, Mary Parker(Ed.by Metcalf/Urwick)
Accounting Meassurement Theory. (British Thesis) 2 vols. 1985 Wilolett, Roger Jhohn, B.A.=East Aanglis
Studies in Accounting Hisotory Tradition and Innovation for the Twenty-First Century. 1995 Tsuji, Atsuo /Paul Garner
Selected Dickinson Lectures in Accounting,1936-1952.(The Development of contemporary accounting thought) 1978 Zeff,S.A.
Public Accounting Profession in California:Report of the Findings of a Surbvey of the Profession: Its Practices and Its Personnel. 1958 Carson, A.B.
Budgetary Control. 1922 McKinsey, J.O.
Tradition. Zeitschrift fuer Firmengeschichte und UnternehmerーBiographie.Jg.1-10(1956-1965).+Beiheft/1・2・3・4・5・6・7七冊付
Book-keeping.A Text-Book for Students.Kyouto、昭10.著者は高松高商教師 昭10 Howard,F.J.
Collected Papers of the 6th World Congtress of Accounting Historians.Ed.by Tsuji.1992.3 vols. 1992 ACCOUNTING HISTORY ASSOCIATION,JAPAN
Story of Ohio Accountancy.Dayton,Ohio CPA,1954.281p 1954 Battelle,L.G.
Advanced Accounting:An Organizational Approach.2nd ed.Wiley.1967.822p. 1967 Bedford,N.M.,Perry,and Wyatt
Evolution of Cost Accounting to 1925.Univ.of Alabama.1954.416p. 1954 Garner,Paul
Evolution of Cost Accounting to 1925.Univ.Alabama.1976.416p. 1976 Garner,Paul
FESTSCHRIFT ZUM 65 GEBURTSTAG von Erich Gutenberg.Zur Theorie der Unternehmung.Wiesbaden,1962.429s. 1962 Gutenberg,E.
Standardkostenrechnung. Zuerich.Schweizerischen. 1964.2 Aufl.552s. 1964 Kaefer, K.
Principles of Auditing.New York,1925.1st ed.2nd printing.c300p. 1925 Kohler,E.L.&other
Auditing.Chicago,Shaw,1950.1st ed.6th printing.258p. 1950 Kohler,E.L.
Modern Accounting Research:History,Survey,and Guide.CICA.1984. 1984 Mattessich,Richard
Materialien-Sammlung fuer das Buchhaltungs-Lesen.1921.46s. 1921 Schmalenbach,Eugen(Hrsg.)
Kostenrechnung und PreispolitikWestdeutscher.Koeln.8Aufl.1963.530p. 1963 Schmalenbach,Eugen
Factory Costs.A Work of Reference for Cost Accountants and Factory Managers.New York,Ronald.1911.611p. 1911 Webner,F.E.
U.S.Government, Report of the Privacy Protection Study Commission: Vols.1-6 (=Base Volume+5 supplements)1977.( 情報開示とプライバシ- 他) 1977 U.S.Government, Report of the Privacy Protection Study Commission:
Evolution of Cost Accounting to 1925. 1954 Garner,Paul.
Advanced Accounting An Organizational Approach. 1961 Bedford ,Norton M. /Kennerh W. Perry/Arthur R. Wyatt
Accounting History. (Accounting/Bookkeeping/History) 1987 Kojima,Osamu
Accounting;theory and Practice. VolumeI-II. N.Y.,Ronald, total1421p. 1st ed/5th/13th printing 二冊組 1923 Kester,R.B.
Finanzierungen Osaka.4Aufl.1928.420p.「会社金融論原本」 1928 Schmalenbach,Eugen
Buchhaltung und Bilanz,4. Aufl. Berlin,Springer,1921. 1921 Schaer, J.F.
Cost Accounting for Control.New York,McGraw.1934.517p. 1934 Sanders,T.H.
The English View of Accountants Duties and Responsibilities: 1881-1902 (The Development of contemporary accounting thought) 1978 Chatfield, Michael
Comer's Commercial College 複式簿記初級認定証書 一枚 1800年代 Comer's Commercial College
The Evolution of the Science of Book-keeping.London,Gee,1954.70p. 1954 Eldridge,H.J.
Ctalogue of The Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature.Athlone,University of London.1982.In 4 vols. 1982 Canney,M.,Gibbs,and Watson(Comp.)
Advanced Accounting.New York,Ronald,1946.4th ed.796p. 1949 Kester,R.B.
Twenty-Five Years of Accounting Responsibility.1911-1936. NY,1936.421p. 1936 May,G.O.
Die Organische Tageswertbilanz.Wiesbaden,Betriebswirtschaftlicher.1951. 1951 Schmidt,F.
FASB Interpretation No.18=Accounting for Income Taxes in Interim Perionds.an interpretation of APB Opinion No.28.(Public Record no.1977-VolumeV)402p. 1977 FASB Public Record
The Principles of Bankruptcy;embodying The Bankruptcy Act,1914 .& Bankruptcy Rules,1915.The Bill of Sale Acts,1878,1882,1890,1891. London,Maxwell.1924.523p. 1924 Roper,A.,and Ringwood
Advanced Accounting. 1964 Kester,R.B.
Die organische Tageswertbilanz. 1928 Schmidt,F.
A Notable and very Excellente Woorke.1547ed.Reprint. : +Jan Ympyn and His Works.by Kojima / The Authorship and Sources of The ''Nieuwe Instructie''. by Yamey Limited 200 copies.Kyoto,Daigakudo. 昭50 Ympyn/Kojima,Yamey
The Interpretation of Accounts.(Stamp-Martin Papers). London,Oxford.1957.215p. 1957 Bray,Frank Sewell
1977メトカーフ委員会報告ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING PRACTICES AND PROCEDURE.(=Metcalf Committee Report)1977.2176p.Washington. 1977 U.S.Congress,Hearings,Subcommittee on Reports,Accounting and Management of the Committee (Metcalf Committee) on Governmental Affairs US Senate.GPO.
1976メトカーフ委員会報告The U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Reports, Accounting, and Management of the Committee on Government Operations (Metcalf Committee) conducted a study of the accounting profession and published a report entitled "THE ACCOOUNTING ESTABLISHMENT" in 1976.1760p.Washington. 1977 U.S.Congress,Senate.Subcommittee (Metcalf Committee) on Reports,Accounting and Manage-ment of The Committee on Government Operations. GPO.
The New Science of Management Decision. 1960 Simon,H.A.
Supplement Der Mitteilungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Natuur-Und Volkerkunde Ostasiens. Pernitzsch, M. G. /H. Tittel
BOOKKEEPERS' HANDY GUIDE.A Practical Desk Book for Quick Reference.New York,Ronald,1936.565p. 1936 THE RONALD PRESS
Business Bookkeeping and Practice.Baltimore,1894.199p. 1894 Sadler,W.H., Rowe
The New Bryant & Stratton High-School Book-keeping:Adapted to Use in Business Colleges,and the Higher Grades of Public and Private Schools. N.Y.,Taylor. 1881.166p. 1881 Packard,S.S.,and Bryant,H.B.
Studies in Accounting.London,Sweet & Maxwell.1950.455p. 1950 Baxter,W.T.
Principles of Accounting. N.Y.,Ronald.1930.3rd ed.651p. 1930 Kester,R.B.
DICKINSON LECTURES IN ACCOUNTING.By May,Halsey,and Paton.Harvard.1943.131p. 1943 May,G.O.
Auditing Principles.A Textbook. New York.Ronald.1923.1st ed. 1923 Montgomery,R.H.,and Staub
Memoirs and Accounting Thought of George O.May. By Grady. 1962 (May,G.O.)
Controlling the Finances of a Business. New York, Ronald. 1923. 1st ed. 683p. 1923 McKinsey, James O., and Stuart P. Meech
Fiftieth Years of Accountancy,1898-1948.(The Development of contemporary accounting thought) 1978 Montgomery,R.H.
The Pathe waye to perfectnes in th'accomptes of Debitour and Creditour.1569ed.Reprint ed.+Peele's Maner and fourme of 1553/小島男佐夫「ジェームス・ピールと其の簿記書」一冊付 全二冊 200限定 おおむね保存良 昭和55 Peele, James/小島男佐夫編 大学堂
Mine Accounts and Mining Book-keeping:a manual for the use of Students,...London,Griffin,1911.147p. 1911 Lawn,James Gunson
The New Bryant and Stratton Common School Book-Keeping:embracing Single and Double Entry,and adapted to Individual and Class Instruction in Schools and Academies.New York, Ivison,1878.208p. 1878 Packard,S.S.,and Bryant
Accounting Finance and Management.Arthur Andersen.1969.762p. 1969 Chambers,R.J.
Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre.Bd.1-3. 16Aufl.Berlin,1979. 1979 Gutenberg,E.
Principles of Accounting. N.Y.,Ronald.1939.4th ed.703p. 1939 Kester,R.B.
Essays on Accountancy. Urbana,Illinois.1961.637p. 1961 Littleton,A.C.
Readings in the Economics of Taxation.London.Allen.1966.581p. 1966 Shoup.Carl S.,and Musgrave
ICAEW etc:Accountants International Study Group Publications:20nos.(1968-1978) 【明細お問い合わせ下さい】 1968-1978 ICAEW
The Constitution and Finance of English,Scottish and Irish Joit-Stock Companies to 1720.Reprint.Gloucester.Peter Smith.1968.3 vols.set. 1968 Scott,W.R.
University of Lancaster,International Centre for Research in Accounting,Occasional Paper.Nos.1-21(1973-1981) lack no.3. 1973-1981 University of Lancaster,International Centre for Research in Accounting
Cours Complete de Comptabilie redig Conformement au Programe del'Ecole superieure de Commerce.Premier comptoir:Cours pratique de Tenue des Livres.Paris,Masson.1876.278p.8vo. 1876 Barr,Joseph
Essays on Accountancy. 1961 Littleton,A.C.
A History of Accounting and Accountants. Original ed.Edinbourgh, Jack. 1905. 459p. 26x16cm 1905 Brown,R.
The Theory of Business Enterprise. 1917 Veblen,T.
Accounting Concepts of Profit. 1939 Gilman,Stephen.
Accounting Principles and Practzes An Introductory Course. 1940 Hatfield, Henry Rand /Thomas Henry Sanders/Norman Lee Burton
Recollections of the Early Days of American Accountancy,1883-1893.Privately Printed.1925.68p. 1925 Anyon,J.T.
The Accounting System of Native Banks in Peking and Tientsin.(Economic Studies No.19-Haustes Etudes,Industrielles et Commerciales).Tientsin,Shanghai,1941.301p. 1941 Ming,Li Chien
Qritique of Accounting.Westport. Quorum.1995.284p. 1995 Mattessich,Richard
Fiftieth Years of Accountancy,1898-1948.Privatelyprinted.New York,1939.679p. 1939 Montgomery,R.H.
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Auditing Theory and Practice.NY,Ronald.1940.6th ed.692p. 1940 Montgomery,R.H.
Paton on Accounting. Michigan.1964.713p. 1964 Paton,W.A.(selected),Taggart,H.F.(ed.)
1927年版 カ-ル・ボット編『商業大辞典』ライプチッヒ刊 背革装状態良 全五冊 HANDWOERTERBUCH DES KAUFMANS.Lexikon fuer Handel und Industrie Hrsg.v.Karl Bott.Hamburg u.Leipzig.1927.5Bde. ※各冊約九百五十頁。商工業全般を網羅 1927
Rudimentos de Contabilidad Commercial, Teneduria de Librosr por Partida Doble.Madrid,Imprenta de Don Norberto Llorenci. 1836.202p.8vo. 1836 Brost,J.M.
Corporate Accounting International;The international accounting, reporting and auditing source. Issue No.1~13(1989~1990) Lafferty Publication, Dublin. 13冊
Ancient Double-Entry Bookkeeping.Denver.1914.182p.Reprint.ed.1974. 1974 Geijsbeek,J.B.
Origin and Evolution of Double Entry Bookkeeping. A Study of Italian Practice from Fourteenth Century.With a Foreward by R.H.Montgomery.New York,1938.157p. 1938 Peragallo,E.
Uniform CPA Examaination.Question and Answers.1948/50-1966/68(12 vols) lack:1951-1953(2vols) 1948-1968 AAA
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING EDUCATION AND RESEARCH.Vols.1-14(1965-1978) 1965-1978 University of illinois at Urbana-champaign
Du compte courant.Paris,Videcoq Fils Aine.1848.200p.8vo.Red morocco and marbledboards. 1848 Noblet,.F.P
Cours Complete de Comptabilie.Paris,Masson.1889.282p.8vo. 1889 Barr,Joseph
会計学者 R.J.チェンバース著作類13点一括R. J. Chambers(=Raymond J. Chambers)
SURVEY OF PUBLISHED ACCOUNTS. Years:1968/69-81/82 in 13 vols. 1968-1982 ICAEW
Accounting Horizons. Vol.4/nr.2-4, Vol.5/nr.3-4,Vol.6-Vol.16(1990-2002) American Accounting Association
A Practical System of Book-Keepingby Single and Double Entry:…New York,,1863.296p. 1863 Fulton,Levi G.,and G.W.Eastman
EUROPEAN FINANCIAL REPORTING.1-22(West Germany/France/Italy/The Netherlandsd and others)22vols.By Beeney,Stillwell,and Chastney.1993 1993 ICAEW
Nicholson on Factory Organization and Costs.New York, Kohl,1909.1st ed.410p. 1909 Nicholson,J.Lee
ISSUES IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION.Vols.1-19/2(1983-2004) 1983-2004 AAA
Book-Keeping Rationalized:Adapted to all kinds of business,-personal and partnership,commission and corporate.... Boston,Comer and Co.,1861.168p. 1861 Comer,G.N.
会計学者 W.T.バクスター(=W.T.Baxter)著作類9点一括
AAA STUDIES IN ACCOUNTING RESEARCH. Nos.1-28(1969-88)in 32冊のうち7冊欠在本25冊 1969-89 AAA
(復刻版)アメリカ資本主義発達史基礎資料集(=アメリカ立法保険調査委員会(上院/ニューヨーク州議会合同)による証言) Testimony taken by the Legislative Insurance Investigating Committee. 全10冊揃 1968 U.S.Joint Committee of the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York(アメリカ経済研究会復刻編纂) 御茶の水書房
FINANCIAL REPORTING. A Survey of UK Reporting Practice.Years:1982/83-1994/95(lack?1993/94 or not publ.) 1982-1995 ICAEW
Veroeffentlichungen der Schmalenbach-Vereinigung. Bd.1-17(1934-1942)Cloth Bd. 1934-1942 (Schmalenbach)
Repetroire commercial,ou Principes de la tenue des livres,la plus simplifiee en partie double et en partie simple.Cinquieme edition. Paris,chez l'Auteur.1836.264p.8vo.Contemporary Sheep. 1836 Lemoine,R.J.
A Complete System of Practical Book-Keeping.,exemplified …New York,Austin.1857.238p. 1857 Harris,N.
HASKINS & SELL'S SELECTED PAPERS.Years:1958(v.3)-1974.※ハスキンズ アンド セル社会計学研究年鑑 1958 HASKINS & SELL
The Principles of Auditing.London,Pitman,1928/4th、1930/5th、1933/6th、1935/7th、1936/8th、1939/10th、1954/11th、1957/12th. 8 vols.set.(ドゥ・ポーラ「監査原理」各版コレクション) 1930 de Paula,F.R.M.
Preston's Treatise on Book-Keeping: Hartford,1833.178p+2 appendix 1833 Preston,Lyman
ACCOUNTING TRENDS & TECHNIQUES(Accounting Trends and Techniques) 1970,1972,1973,1975,1978,1979,1980.1982.1985.2003-2006 13 Vols. 1972-2006 AICPA
NACA CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS(=NACA YEARBOOK).Years:1922-1942,1944-1951. 1922-1951 NACA
1920年代銀行・金融研究基本図書 33点一括 明細ご請求下さい 1920年代
ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF ACCOUNTING.会計百科事典 復刻版(元版1903-07年ロンドン刊) 【新品】 1990 George Lisle(Ed.). With a New Introduction by Basil S.Yamey. ライル編・ヤーメイ博士の詳細復刻版への序付
Book-keeping.In The Ture Italian Form of Debtor and Creditor by Way of Double Rntry;or Practical Book-keeping Exemplified,from the Precepts of the Late Ingenious D.Dowling,Author of Mercantile Arithmetic. Dublin,1792.296p. 1792 Jackson,W.
会計学者W.A.ペイトン(=W.A.Paton=William Andrew Paton)著作類25点一括
NACA(National Association of Cost Accountiants) CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS(=NACA YEARBOOK).Vols.1-32(1920-1951).//All Publ. +NAA Bulletin.1952-1989(NAA Bulletinに少し欠号あり) NACA (National Association of Cost Accountiants) ・NAA(National Assosiation of Accountants)
『年次会計学文献目録集』 ACCOUNTANTS' INDEX. Years:1920(=vol.1)ー1983. 揃 1920-1983 AICPAアメリカ公認会計士協会編

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